

第1个回答  2022-11-11
问题一:教育即经验的不断改造或改组英文怎么说 教育即经验的不断改造或改组
Education is the continuous transformation or reorganization of experience.
Education is the continuous transformation or reorganization of experience.

问题二:我有多年从事教育的工作经验用英语怎么说 英文原文:
I have many years of teaching experience
[a?] [h?v] [?men?] [?j??z] [?v; (?)v] [?ti?t???] [?k?sp??r??ns; ek-]
[a?] [h?v] [?m?ni] [?j??z] [?v] [?tit???] [?k?sp?r??ns]

问题三:先前的工作经验 英文怎么说 previous working experience

问题四:虽然我没有工作经验用英文怎么说 Although I don't have any work experience...Although I have no work experience....

问题五:请问"工作经历"用英文怎么说!谢谢 Working Experience

问题六:“继续工作”英语怎么翻译? keep workingcontinue working

问题七:大二学生,英文写教育与工作经历怎么写。经历无非是做做短促或在某地打过工而已。 一、说明工作经历Stating Your Work Experience:
(1)Sales manager. In addition to ordinary sales activities and monument of department, responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members. 销售部经理。除了正常销售活动和部门管理之外,还负责招聘与训练销销售人员。
(2)Assistant to the General Manager of Shenzhen Petro-chemical Industrial Corporation Ltd.. Handled the itinerary tie of the corporation. Helped to negotiate a 5,000,000deal for the corporation. 深圳市石油化工集团股份有限公司总经理助理。安排总经理的出差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。协助公司谈成了一笔五百万美元的交易。
(3)Secretary to president of Silverlion Group Corporation Ltd.. Responsibilities: Receiving visitors, sche *** ng meetings, taking and typing dictation, writing routine letters and re-ports 银利来集团有限公司董事长秘书。职责:接待访客,安排会议、笔录并打字、书写日常信函及报告。
(4)Public relations girl at Guangzhou Holiday Inn. Full-time in summers, part-time during school. 在广州文化假日酒店当公关小姐。暑期全职,上课时间 *** 。
(5)Assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise. Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements. 一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。分析数据及相关财务统计数字,而且提出每月的财务报告。
(6)Production manager: nitrated puerility control resulting in a reduction in working hours by 2028528le increasing pro-ductility by 25生产部经理:引入质量控制,使得工作时数减少了20%,而生产力则提高了25%。
(7)Practical summer experience. Clerked at One-and -One Clothes Store in charge of sales, 1992. Employed at Guangzhou Restaurant as waitress, 1993. 暑假的实际经验。1992年,在壹加壹服装店当店员,负责销售。1993年,在广州酒家当侍应小姐。 英语简历有用语句(3)
二、说明任职资格Stating Your Qualifications: