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Parys is a demigod and he is one of the most heroes in the Sparta, while his mother is a mortal, his father is a Titan, and his wife is a princess of the Sparta.
When Parys went back, he found that his wife was dead in the garden, besides he also saw the Hades took away his wife’ soul. Parys didn’t know who killed his wife and why Hades wanted to take away his wife’s soul, but one thing he knew, that was he needs to go to the Underworld and save his wife’s soul, thus he set foot on the way to the Underworld.
There was a black river named Acheron, which was leading to the Underworld in front of Parys. He saw an old man and a ship. The old man is only one that could take him to the Underworld. Parys’s saw spirits were give the old man One dollar than go on the board, Parys walked up to him, the old man told Parys his name is Charon, the Charon also told the Parys “if you want to go to the Underworld so you need to giving me one silver, and if you don’t have the money you need to wait 1 year late, then I could take you to Underworld of free.” Parys was have no money, but he don’t want to wait 1 year then get free tickets because he don’t have any time to waste and he must go to save his wife. So Parys was trying to convince Charon. “If you can take me to the Underworld now, when I get back I will give you anything you want.” Parys said. Charon resisted temptation of Parys, Parys was very ruffled. Parys pushed him into the black river, but Charon can’t swim in the black river because it is the Acheron. The Parys go on to the ship and he was set sail to the Underworld.
Parys was in the ship, he feel very sleepy. When he was almost deep slumber, a woman was appearing in front of him. The woman was giving him a Knife and told him “if you want to save your wife, you must cut Cerberus’s heads and drinking its blood. Wait till the timing is right, I will tell you who am I.” When Parys was clear-headed, the woman has gone, but a weapon was in his hand and that is not a dream.
When Parys was finally come front of Hades’s palace, he walked into the palace. Parys saw a 3 heads dog was roaring, and it is Hades’s dog Cerberus. Cerberus was glowering Parys and looks like very want to eat him. Cerberus throws to the Parys and wants to bites him, Parys climb up to the high balcony, and Cerberus can’t climb up to the balcony. In the same time,(下面的能帮我翻译下吗 不要GOOGLE的 )Parys 在想一个点子来对付地狱三头犬,他走到阳台的内部,他看到一个箱子.并且他打开了箱子发现里面藏有几块甜品,他的脑海里听见一个女人的声音说“地狱三头犬非常喜欢甜品”. 之后,Parys拿起了甜品从阳台扔下,地狱三头犬居然真的去吃那些甜品,而在这时候Parys跳下了悬崖并且骑上正在吃甜品的地狱三头犬的身上,用他的武器割下了它的3个头,但他没喝下它的血.

后面的也别回复的 我要吧分数送给帮助我的人
而不是机械复制了 还有谢谢你们了 也不要回复了

第1个回答  2010-05-11
Parys in to a point against Cerberus, he went to the balcony inside, he saw a box. And he opened the box found inside contain a few pieces of goods, his mind to hear a woman's voice said, "Cerberus very like sweets". Later, Parys picked up from the balcony down sweetmeats, Cerberus incredibly true to eat those sweetmeats, at a time when Parys jumped off the cliff and ride on eating sweets Cerberus body, with his arms cut out its three heads, but he didn't drink the blood of it.
Seem to hades found wrong, he appeared in front Parys. Hades roared "humble demigod you incredibly killed my pet, you should be punished" hades raised his sickle Parys to cut off, but Parys away hades blow, Parys said "will my wife gave me, or I will kill you."

Hades smiled "humble half god, you try hard," then hades he put his sickle into the ground, the cracked a gap, incredibly appeared a black river name Pluto river. "I will let you can let you never see the light" hades said. Hades picked up his sickle Parys tried to the soul, but in the inhaled Pluto in many Parys boycott, ultimately didn't be inhaled hades river. After several rounds of struggle, Parys captured hades sickle and hades soul into a river. He can find his wife and his wife had died, but now only souls, but they cannot bring him back. That woman again and told to mother earth gaia to revive his wife.
Parys finally found the gaia, and get the gaia's trust finally gaia raised his wife. Parys and his wife finally back to hometown, lived a happy life.
第2个回答  2010-05-11
Suddenly, Parys had an idea to deal with Cerberus.He went to the balcony,and found there was a chest which had some desserts in it.And a women`s voice in his mind, "Cerberus loves desserts".So Parys threw those desserts out of the balcony,and the Cerberus actually really eat desserts.Parys jumped down off the balcony rode on the Cerberus,and cut down it`s three heads,but he did not drunk it`s blood.
However,Hades found there was something wrong,he appeared before Parys,blustered:"Humble demigod,you killed my pet,and you will pay for it." Hades raised his sickle to Parys,but Parys dodged his attack,and shouted:"Give my wive back to me,or I will slay you ."
第3个回答  2010-05-11
Parys in to a point against Cerberus, he went to the balcony inside, he saw a box. And he opened the box found inside contain a few pieces of goods, his mind to hear a woman's voice said, "Cerberus very like sweets". Later, Parys picked up from the balcony down sweetmeats, Cerberus incredibly true to eat those sweetmeats, at a time when Parys jumped off the cliff and ride on eating sweets Cerberus body, with his arms cut out its three heads, but he didn't drink the blood of it.
Seem to hades found wrong, he appeared in front Parys. Hades roared "humble demigod you incredibly killed my pet, you should be punished" hades raised his sickle Parys to cut off, but Parys away hades blow, Parys said "will my wife gave me, or I will kill you."
第4个回答  2010-05-11