
请以“The Happiest Life”为题,根据以下的内容提示,写一篇短文来描述一下你心目中最幸福的生活。
作文要求:1.语言准确得当,条理清晰 2.词数80个左右

第1个回答  2010-05-13
The Happiest Life
Everybody wants to spend the happiest life, what's mine?
Actually I'm very happy to learn more and more fresh knowledge everyday, but I really hate but have to finish my daily homework!
cause I don't have enough spare time to play with my classmates or play internet games, sometimes it makes me boring.
How I wish I could playing games, on line chatting, singing, even laughing together with my good friends whenever I want, wathching TV as well as missing my childhood.
Yes, I know it's not the correct to think or do so currently, I should completely finish my school time before I get freedom, I need to spend more time on reading, writing and listening practice.Yes I will. I will cherish/hide my dream in my heart and study more harder than ever untill I graduated from school, come on! There is a will, there is a way!本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-05-13
好后自己写 英语基础很重要 等你上高中上大学后 就会后悔了 趁现在还是刚开始 好好地学英语 打好基础 你就会在以后笑傲群雄了 建议你学习李阳的疯狂英语 !