open .close .closed 用法不太懂还有关于商店关门…这种题不会.求大神讲解


第1个回答  2022-07-23
1. Are the shops open on Sundays? 这些商店周日开门吗?
2. We are open for business from Monday to Friday. 我们从周一到周五都开门营业.
3. The bedroom door was slightly open. 卧室的门开了一点点.
4. He was asleep with his mouth open. 他张着嘴巴睡着了.
5. The top deck of the bus is open. 那辆公共汽车的上层是敞篷的.
6. Everyone in the group was very friendly and open. 组里的每个人都很友善而坦率.
7. Close the door quietly behind you. 进来后轻轻关上门.
8. Nick closed his book and put it down. 尼克把书合上后放下.
9. The government plans to close 10 coal mines. 政府打算关掉10家煤矿.
10. The Blue Café closes on Mondays. 蓝色咖啡馆每星期一歇业休息.
11. We can walk to the swimming pool-----it’s quite close. 我们可以走着去游泳池,离这儿很近.
12. The hotel is close to the centre of town. 宾馆就在城中心附近.
13. Jamal and I have been close friends since we were six. 我和贾梅尔从6岁时就是密友.
14. She’s close to both her parents. 她和父母的关系都很亲密.
15. She moved closer, trying to hear what Jack was saying. 她挪近了一些,试图听清杰克说些什么.
16. They lay close together on the beach. 他们紧挨着躺在海滩上.
17. All the doors are closed and locked. 所有的门都已关好并上了锁.
18. Keep your eyes closed. 闭上双眼.
19. All the shops were closed. 所有的商店都打烊了.