
(2)快乐的时候,时间如同溪流一般,飞快地在欢笑声中流过;难过的时候,时间如同蜗牛慢爬一般,在眼泪的洗刷声中挪过。为了给我们,也给miss tang留下一段珍贵的回忆,我们组织了英语课本剧比赛。在这里,我宣布,首届“04级3班英语舞台剧比赛”,现在开始!

第1个回答  2010-05-25
1) Six years of life; it isn't a long time, but it isn't short either.

2)Happy days of laughter always flow away like the water in the river; sad times in the sound of dripping tears always make time feel longer, like the speed of a snail. We organised an English story play for the sake of ourselves and to give Miss Tang a wonderful memory. Here, I announce, that the first "Year four, Third class English Stage Play Competiton", starts now!

3) Now we welcome...

4)Thank you for everyone's exciting performance. Next up is...who is going to perform...

5)Thank you for everyone's pleasant contribution. Now I announce, that the first prize winner will be...whose performance was...
The second prize winner is ...'s performance, and the third prize winner is ...'s formance. Congradulation to these teams!

6) The following is the nomination for "the best performers".

7)The first "Year Four Third Class English Stage Play" has come to an end. Let us all cherish this wonderful moment!
第2个回答  2010-05-25
(1)Six years time, that long is not long, say short not short.
(2) happy time, and time as the general stream, fast stream in laughter; sad, slow time as a snail crawling general, the sound of tears washing over Norway. In order to give us, but also to miss tang left a precious memory, we organized an English Textbook Plays Competition. Here, I announced the first "04 3 classes of English Drama Competition", now!
(3) Below please ___.
(4) Thank you for the splendid performance, then there is please show us ___ to ___.
(5) Thank you all for the wonderful performances, took problem, I announced the first prize is a program ___ ___, ___ of the program is the second prize, third prize is the ___ of the program, congratulations to these teams!
(6) Next is the best actor nominees ___,___。
(7) the first "04 3 classes of English drama" to this end, let us always cherish this beautiful moment!本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-05-26
1.A period of six year,that isn't too long and isn't too short.
2.when it come to happy,time flow like the water in the river,laughing like the speed of flying,when it is sad,time ticking like a snail crawling along,and full of tear lying in the eyes.so as to leave us and Miss Tang a valuable memory,we organise an english role play competition.Well, i declare,year 4 third class english role play competition starting now.
3.Here we come_____.
4.thank you everyone for the exciting show,now i would like_____to show us_______.
5.Thank you everyone again for the exciting show,and now,i declare,the frist price winner go to____show,the second winner go to___show,and the third winner go to____show,congratulations to those winner.
6.The following event is the nomination of best performer,they are____,_____.
7.The first “year 4 third class role play competition”has come to the end.Let us cherish this lovely time forever.