

第1个回答  2022-11-22
问题一:请赐教―用英语怎么说 Please gimme your advice 这是比较口语化的翻译哦

问题二:请教这句话英语怎么说 翻译如下:
The following is the price we offered, for your referrence.
乐意为您解答! (*^梗_^*). 不明白欢迎再问

问题三:虚心地请教 英语怎么说 Modestly consults the question

问题四:"我有一个问题想请教一下你"或"我有个问题想问一下你 的英语怎么说 一般我们问外教问题
都是excuse me 然后直接问问题的。不用说什么。
就说excuse me +do you have time /are you aavailable/few minutes。
私人问题,就说i was wandering whether it is possible that i could ask you a personal question.

问题五:请教这句话用英语怎么讲? 对应的英语:A dream is always a dream. You have to face reality once youj wake up.

问题六:"如果有问题我会像你请教"用英语怎么说? I will consult yo亥 if I have problem, could you please help me check my file?

问题七:请教各位英语达人“尖叫”用英语怎么说? scream [skri:m]
vi. 尖叫;呼啸;发出尖锐刺耳的声音;令人触目惊心
vt. 尖声喊叫;大叫大嚷着要求
n. 尖叫声;尖锐刺耳的声音;极其滑稽可笑的人
shriek [?ri:k]
vi. 尖叫;促人注意
vt. 骇声发出
n. 尖声;尖锐的响声

问题八:我不会英语,想请教你 用英语怎么说? I can't speak English, can you please teach me?

问题九:“我有几个问题想请教一下”用英语怎么说? May i ask you some questions?

问题十:请教大家“亏箱”用英语怎么说啊? It is not a full container,there is still much space left after loading.