

第1个回答  2014-06-02
To my son :

Now love her? If it is, love it, do not escape, but do not indulge !

You love the look of her heavy right ? She thought about the future and can together? Children, not my father hit you , sensible little love and how much the university eventually together? Now the girls are in reality, to let her do sacrifice for you , she would only say sorry to you . Two years later, or work , or study. Anyway mostly went their separate ways , good terms .

To love and love it . Cherish every minute together . Since it is short, why should you let unpleasant memories flooded it . My dear son , ah, two years old, is the season of flowers . Treasure youth, enjoy the love of the season. Why do not you love the university into a beautiful crystal clear, pure and simple.

University is a very important stage in life . Dad can tell you your future love in the community is the same this time different. University of shelters before your tower to protect you, you are completely integrated into the complex world . This is a pure land . Sow the seeds of love on this side of pure land. It is regret it. If after two years she say to you: "I'm sorry ." My son , be sure to smile and said to her : "Thank you ." Give this love painting on a perfect ending .

Son , the day she took her vows to recover all of you , right ? She said to you love you for life . To marry you , eh ? It is very sad . Become more resolute . You are too young , have not qualified for other commitments. She was a good kid . At least she will not lie to you . Love is believed , believe her, as long as she still loves you . Her approach is right. No need to give you an illusory promise. Reality is cruel, no matter what it will be lost . You are too young , no need to take into account the future , no need to back -volt excessive burden. But, simple.

Love is not a fairy tale, not necessarily will have a beautiful ending. Since you had chosen love, then that may be necessary to prepare a love bring you pain. Maybe you still love each other, finally , maybe she later be tired , maybe she met a better ... there are too many people willing to work as good as the ending.

Son, do not let you have a negative attitude to love . But my son is too young and can not afford too much pain. I hope the more and more disappointed , blows must also heavier . So let go of the heart, since love, to love it . Do not love , do not get too love.

Not too much care about her past , who have past . Do not be too concerned about the original " him" , that will only make her increasingly despise you . Things are not the best. This sentence does make sense. She had forgotten , "he ," but your jealousy will only make you more too cheesy , let her all the more to recall , " he was" good.

Child. She is a good person , at least she was honest . So I believe her. I believe she is now in love with you . She said to you , her love for "his" and your can not be compared . Love you more than "he" a lot more. That's enough . Hear her words , you have to do is also pleased with her smile . This is your measure it. Both know the results , why is struggling again and again asked her, this will only become all the more your ignorance and ridiculous. Will increasingly make her hate you .

Children, do not discuss with her or you love her more than she loves you much. Dad know you are attention she cares about her performance. But she does not think so . Drunk himself to her says she loves you , she will let you look down , it will only harm you ruin the image in her mind, will only make you become ignorant and foolish . Know she loves you like and trust her . Do not worry that she does not love you , if you really do not love, let go , some free and easy . Do not listen to current popular songs , love songs describe those unrealistic .

Son, you're really too young , do not know how to love . Why so stingy. Trifle and her odds . She vertical no matter how amusing you , with your baby, but even the best people will love you have tired of the day. So with her, let her happy, make yourself happy . Simple. You care about her father knows . But your approach is wrong.

If you love , we must love and generous ! If you love , we must love open-minded ! If you love , we must love calm ! Be open-minded lover !

Distressed when she made a solid backing to help her , pamper her. Do not quarrel with her , increasing the pressure on her . You have to do is to be open-minded lover. To share her worries . Love her, believe her ! I believe her love for you , I think you love. If one day you want to , respectively , have nothing to restore the tears . Is the edge to make it. If you can not , and she eventually come together to have nothing to regret , after all, you have a good love, happiness over the other side . But she is not your Cinderella. Before experiencing the real Cinderella , Maybe God wants us to meet other people ; against them , we should be grateful.

My child, you do not care about her, but let her cares about you ! Love, minor arguments are common . You have fallen out , calm down , if you are wrong , then change . But if he was wrong , they laugh. At this point you have to do is to improve yourself, make yourself better and more perfect ! Do not get drunk every night , a fight to the bitter look. Not to shed your precious tears in front of him . Just smile , perfect turn . Know? Quietly looked at her tears. Smiled and comforted her. But the principle involved is not available concessions . Demeanor do not condone .

Miserable, to think of how to let yourself become better.

Girls are too proud , who do not want their boyfriends and handsome and outstanding . So, instead of into the night as good as she got drunk early bath , to be fitness, sleep , let herself in the mirror the next day stronger . And she was angry , bad mood , do not indulge decadent . To protect your body. Keep in charm, this is the basic principle of love for a long time .

Also, the more important point is to have the ability to learn better. To be a handsome , but also to be a genius . My child, you are really not good enough . If you have time to think of her , miss her , do not use this time to yourself if enrich my knowledge , learn . I thought she would learn. So very effective.

To keep love to keep her , we should let his perfect , make yourself better . If you have time to think about how she might as well wait to coax use this time to upgrade themselves. If you get her mentally exhausted , mediocre . If you do not spend more time to improve yourself. How, if you're just a boy in many ordinary common one . She will care about you? Many boys like you go, no you can find one . But if you are the highlight of the population , health, self-confidence , talent, ability and defensive. She can not care about you? She would have you to do with her boyfriend and proud , will value you , afraid of losing you .

So , son, really cherish this relationship , then let themselves become better now .

Love is simple , to be a pleasant lovers ! Love 's open-minded , to be good men ! I wish my son forever happiness .