中考英语作文范文赏析:How to Spend Our Pocket Money


第1个回答  2023-01-14
这篇关于中考英语作文范文赏析:How to Spend Our Pocket Money,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!
随着家庭生活条件的提高, 现在的孩子或多或少会有一些零花钱。请以How to Spend Our Pocket Money为题写一段话, 内容必须包括以下提示要点, 词数在80-100之间。 1. 你从哪里得到零花钱; 2. 你平常用零花钱做些什么(至少两点); 3. 你觉得用零花钱还可以做些什么更有意义的事(至少两点)。 注意:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名: 2. 文章的标题和开头已付出, 不计入总词数。

How to Spend Our Pocket Money As families are now living a better life, we kids can have some pocket money. I usually get my pocket money from my parents. Sometimes, I can get some by
waste paper and bottles. I often use my pocket money to buy breakfast on my way to
school. I also buy some books to help me with my lessons with my pocket money. I
think I can do something more meaningful. For example, I can go travelling to a tourist attraction to enjoy myself in the summer holidays. I can also donate my
pocket money to help poor children in western areas of China so that they can live