关于before的短语 还有关于about的短语,越多越好!


第1个回答  2022-06-10
carry before 迅速获胜,势如破竹
come before 在…之上,比…重要;被交由…处理;被提交…考虑
complain before 控诉
go before 出现在某人面前;送于…讨论;先于;早于
lay before 提出
set before 把…放在…前面;认为…比…更重要;把…提交…考虑
stand before 站立在…前面,来到…面前,面对,面临,抵御,抵挡
carry the world before one 一举大获成功
cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴,明珠暗投
put the cart before the horse 本末倒置,倒行逆施
sweep all before one 获得彻底的胜利,所向无敌
be brought before the bench 被带到法庭受审
take sb before court 将…送上法庭
before day 破晓前
before long 不久,很快;在短时间内
before one's eyes 当着某人的面
before one's time 在时代前面;思想过于先进
before the mast 充当水手
before time 提前
before the wind 顺风
before the world 在众人面前,公然
the day before yesterday前天
efore now 从前,以前
before long (时间)不久之后,在短时间内 in a short time
arrange about安排,
argue about辩论,
ask about询问,
bring about带来,
chat about闲聊,
care about在意,
complain about报怨,
go about着手,
hear about听说,
inquire about打听,
know about了解,
quarrel about争论,
read about读到,
see about负责处理,
set about开始,
speak about谈起,
talk about谈论,
think about考虑,
trouble about担心,
tell about讲述,
worry about着急担心