
8.1 卖方在合同设备安装.试运转.热负荷试车期内,承担合同设备的安装及调试工作。
8.2 卖方在合同设备调试期内,承担合同设备的设备调试工作。
8.3 合同设备安装开始前一个月,卖方应着手组织派往现场的技术指导服务人员。在设备安装开始前7个工作日,买方应通知卖方组织派往现场的服务人员,卖方将根据要求向现场派出有丰富经验的设备安装指导人员.设备调试人员参加合同设备的安装.调试和负荷试车及工程验收。
8.4 在合同设备安装.试运转.热负荷试车过程中如发现由于设备不符合本合同要求,需要返修.更换.补充时,卖方负责及时进行无偿处理,买方应给予积极配合。如果由于买方的施工单位未能按技术资料的有关规定和要求进行,或违反设备安装指导的技术人员根据技术资料进行的指导造成的事故和损失由买方负责,但卖方应积极配合买方修复或更换损坏的设备及零部件,所发生费用由买方承担。
8.5 合同设备热负荷试车成功后5个工作日内,买卖双方应签署有关合同设备热负荷试车成功的备忘录作为本合同的补充部分。

第1个回答  推荐于2016-12-02
Installation. Debugging and acceptance
8.1 in the seller of the contract to install equipment. Commissioning. Heat load trial run period, to assume the contract of the equipment installation and commissioning work.
The seller of the contract 8.2 Debugger equipment during the period, to assume the contract of equipment debugging equipment work.
8.3 of the contract to install equipment before the start of the month, the seller should proceed to the scene of the Organization of technical guidance service. In the installation of equipment before the start of the 7 working days, the buyer should notify the seller of the service organizations to the scene, the seller will be required to send to the scene of experienced personnel to guide the installation of equipment. Debugging equipment to participate in the contract to install the equipment. Debugging and load Acceptance testing and engineering.
8.4 in the contract to install equipment. Commissioning. Heat load in the process of testing equipment such as the discovery does not comply with the requirements of the contract, the need for rework. Replacement. Supplement, the seller is responsible for conducting free to deal with in a timely manner, the buyer shall provide active support. If the buyer as a result of the failure by the construction of technical information with the relevant provisions and requirements, or the installation of equipment in violation of the technical staff under the guidance of technical information for the guidance of the cause of the accident and the loss by the buyer, the seller but the buyer should actively cooperate with the repair or replacement Damage to equipment and spare parts, costs incurred by the buyer.
8.5 equipment heat load test of the contract after the success of the 5 working days, buyers and sellers should sign the contract equipment heat load test of the success of the memorandum as part of the supplementary contract.本回答被提问者采纳