MPhil 再升读PhD易? 定系Full Time做RA + Part time MSc再升读PhD易?


第1个回答  2022-09-25


我睇D U既 RA工 Basic Requirment唔系Bachelor毕业就可以apply? bachelor 成绩一般的毕业生,要读完个MSc先有机会有人请做RA? but RA得 10000 左右人工咋㖞? =.=" 咁请问除左RA工,有乜职业有助我MSc完成后,将来入PhD呢? yes
i'm in HK now. thanks

你个bachelor冇honor,成绩一般,想做Full time RA?  很难哪,很难哪,很难哪,很难哪!!!(除非你有关系,有特权啦, 若无, 死了这条心啦,) 人地个bachelor有honor,成绩很好,先可能做Full time RA,可能乍,还不一定得.so ....
你都是实际d,找其他工啦! 做其他工,一样可以读个 part time MSc,你努力d, MSc 拿个好d的成绩,还可以有可能入PhD.
参考: 实话实说,希望没hurt到你啦!
Are you in HK at the moment? If so
to be honest I dont know what the situation in HK eductional career stuff. I am in UK and also I did graduated with okay result ( second lower if you say that in HK!); and then study MSc and got more then one universities offer me a place for doing PhD but there is either half or without funding due to the reason that I am overseas student. If you are really want to do the PhD
I think RA and part time MSc will be a the better choice in your case
because you can have a feels to see if this is the path which suitable for you and then to think about PhD. Anyway
good luck mate and all the best! 2008-07-01 04:40:37 补充: I am sorry that I cant help you much
but $10000 for RA is a quite good offer!
