

第1个回答  2022-06-27

a.先视whoever为两个词,即:anybody who

b . anybody是代词,可在主句中当作 主语或宾语 ;who为关系代词,引导定语从句并在该从句中作 主语

I hate anybody who tells lies = I hate whoever tells lies.

我们已知whomever等于anybody whom 。因whom在定语从句中只能 作宾语 , 而且此处的anybody,也只能在主句中作 宾语 , 因此whomever绝不作主语。

Give it to anybody whom you like = Give it to whomever you like


There are many books here.You may take any book which you like =

There are many books here.You may take whichever you like

a.首先我们要了解,what作复合关系代词时,可视为the thing/things which :

What he said is true.

I am interested in what he is doing.


What bothers me is that I have no time.= The thing which bothers me is that I have no time.

a . whatever与whichever很类似,不同之处为:whichever则指同一类的任何一项,而whatever指不同类的任何东西。例如:三辆汽车中的任何一辆要用whichever表示;他有汽车、房子,还收藏了许多名画,这些东西的任何一项则要用whatever表示。

b . what等于the thing / things which,译成“所… …的东西” ; whatever等于anything that(即anything which ),译成“所… …的任何东西”,语气要比what更强。由于whatever的造句法与what完全相同,在此我们不再赘述。仅举下列数例,供同学参考。

Whatever he said is true = Anything which he said is true

whatever及whoever亦可作副词连接词,此时就不等于anything which或 anybody who,而分别等于no matter what(不论什么)或no matter who(不论谁)。

Whatever he says,I do not believe him.=No matter what he says,I do not believe him.

Whoever does it,he should finish it by ten=No matter who does it,he should finish it by ten.

​ 一为连接性副词,译成“然而”;一为副词连接词,译成“无论如何”。


​ He works hard .
3.再将上例置于no matter how之后,即成:

​ No matter how he works hard

​ 4.最后将句中的形容词或副词移位在how之后,形成 状语从句 ,再接主句,即完成整个句子。

No matter how hard he works hard, I do not respect him = however hard he works,I do not respect him.

表“不论是否”时,只需whether即可,不可使用no matter whether 。 whether本身就可作副词连接词,引导状语从句,以逗号与主句相隔

引导状语从句:Whether he is rich(or not),Jane will marry him.

引导名词性从句:Whether he is rich (or not) does not matter.
