
《世说新语》是南朝宋时期产生的一部出类拔萃的杰作。千余年来,影响深远,后世之儒雅学子, ,莫不仰其俊秀,揖其清芬。书中之佳事佳话,至今传之不衰。主要记述魏晋人物言谈轶事。分为德行、言语、政事、文学、方正、等三十六门,主要记述了汉末魏晋到刘宋的名士贵族的轶事,主要为有关人物评论、清谈玄言和机智应对的故事。阮籍作为魏晋时代一个惊采绝艳的人物,在《世说新语》中有着不少的记述。深刻刻画了阮籍形象,展现了阮籍身上所体现出来的魏晋风度。

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第1个回答  2011-05-14
ShiShui word jargons "is produced in the song period a pre-eminent masterpiece. Thousands of years later, far-reaching influence, the elegant, either students up its xiah, yi its qingfen. In the book, so far better things the long pass legacy. Mainly about weijin character speech anecdotes. Divided into virtue, speech and government affairs and literature, founder, etc, mainly describes 36 door to the han wei liu song of anecdotes, brilliant noble mainly for comment, talk about people to take the story of xuan wit. Ruan ji wei era as a surprise rejects colourful figures in in shi shuo xin, in a lot of 1929. Profound portrays the ruan ji ruan ji body image, showed reflect the wei jin poise.
第2个回答  2011-05-15
In shi shuo xin is produced in a song period outstanding masterpiece. Thousands of years later, far-reaching influence, the elegant, either students up its xiah, yi its qingfen. In the book, so far better things the long pass legacy. Mainly about weijin character speech anecdotes. Divided into virtue, speech and government affairs and literature, founder, etc, mainly describes 36 door to the han wei liu song of anecdotes, brilliant noble mainly for comment, talk about people to take the story of xuan wit. Ruan ji wei era as a surprise rejects colourful figures in in shi shuo xin, in a lot of 1929. Profound portrays the ruan ji ruan ji body image, showed reflect the wei jin poise.
第3个回答  2011-05-29
the long pass legacy. Mainly about weijin character speech anecdotes. Divided into virtue, speech and government affairs and literature, founder, etc, mainly describes 36 door to the han wei liu song of anecdotes,本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2011-05-14
还没翻译过这类东西,不好莫怪。 啊哈哈,还是路过了。有志者翻译吧,怎么会翻译这么有文采的一段话,变成英文可惜了,嗨!
第5个回答  2011-05-14