高潮部分是I love you音拖的有点长,男的唱的。不是爱很简单

高潮部分是I love you音拖的有点长,男的唱的。不是爱很简单

是歌曲《I Love You》。

歌曲:I Love You


作词:Hans Ebert

演唱:Stewart Mac


There was once a broken man


Who walked a lonely road


And gave up all his dreams


And I was once this broken man


Who stared into the sun


And just refused to see


I was lost amongst the clouds that wouldn't fade


I was looking for an answer


I was searching but I didn't take the time


I was down and out and feeling so afraid


I love you the way that you turned me around


And chased away my blues


I love you (Yes, I do)


The way that you changed my world


When I'm with you


Love may come and love may go


But now it's here to stay


Forever and a day (with you)


And when I see you smile


I fall into your eyes


Don't ever fade away


I need you here to make the dark clouds drift away


And to make the mornings bright again


I'm right here for you


There's nothing more to say


I'm just happy that you're mine and here to stay


I love you the way that you turned me around


And chased away my blues


I love you (Yes, I do)


The way that you changed my world


When I'm with you


It doesn't matter we're from and where we're going


As long as you're with me all the way


And the night's no longer lonely


I'm waking up to find a brighter day


I love you (Yes, I do)


The way that you turned me around


And chased away my blues


I love you (Yes, I do)


The way that you changed my world


When I'm with you



《I Love You》是由英国歌手Stewart Mac演唱的一首歌曲,该歌曲收录在专辑《I Love You》中,发行于2010年2月5日。

《I Love You》其它版本:

1、2NE1版《I love you》是由2NE1演唱的一首歌曲,该歌曲收录于《New Single `I Love You`》中,发行于2012年7月5日。

2、Little Mix版《I love you》是由Little Mix演唱的一首歌曲,该歌曲收录于《Get Weird (Deluxe)》中,发行于2015年11月6日。

第1个回答  推荐于2018-03-12




73.桃之夭夭之 Cause I loveyou Cause I loveyou But no more Cause I loveyou Cause I loveyou But no more Cause I loveyou Cause I loveyou But no more Cause I loveyou Cause I loveyou But no more浮出水面的芙蓉倒映水中谁不为之动容胭脂天空的彩虹也 ... 之 Cause I loveyou Cause I loveyou But no more Cause I loveyou Cause I loveyou But

86.云间你的眼orever my love Will never change baby you know I loveyou so much I have been waiting for so

1217.我有今日林夕作曲侧田(On Your Mark)编曲侧田(On Your Mark)监制侧田(On Your Mark) Hate myselffor loving you so much Oh I hate myself for falling back in ... te myself for fallingback in loveNever been good at words I wanna say I sing my ... t words I wanna say I singmy love for you I'll just let themusic make sweet love to you曾经和你因工作一起远飞但我还未知心中有你仍为了别个她魄散魂离因她无法得

171.正在输入 text me?Youknow what? i will take your hands and trivel back downtown with me i ... rivel backdowntown with me i loveyour face and wanna kiss your hands promise me my lady please dont crying open ... ladyplease dont crying open your heart sweety dont by shy love ui do i really do。我们的爱正在输入每时每分每一秒钟

191.好好说抚我额头多想说 I loveyou很想说 I loveyou多希望时间别把你带走每句话都要好好说别让他们难过别再让忙碌挡住回家的路我很... 抚我额头多想说I loveyou很想说 I loveyou多希望时间别把你带走每句话都要好好说别让他们难过别再让忙碌挡住回家的路我

201.Don't Ask Me Whyy mind To Loveyou for the rest of my life Don't ask me why爱你的心还在就算你远在千里之外细心灌溉还是用心相待没有条件只让我依赖谁先不在也不忘记关怀天涯之外都有你存在我的愚昧你最了解走过了人生的喜悲有你在身边多可贵这个世界不像从前完美没 ... hy'Cause I made upmy mind To Loveyou for the rest of my life Don't ask m

221.爱一百万次es(I will loveyou) A Million Times(I will love)听这声音这旋律好像爱三更半夜到你家来敲敲门你打开让它进来爱趁现在不保留我要你伴我左右趁现在还有我我们相爱 A MillionTimes(I will ... 有我我们相爱 A Million Times(I will loveyou) A Million Times(I will loveyou)百万英里我找到你百万个理由让我爱你百万次相遇 A Million Times(I will ... 你百万次相遇 A Million Times(I will

239.Sweet little babyThere For You What I'm Going To Do Is LoveYou Til The End Oh~每个夜晚我们都不寂寞因为有彼此多了些感动没有退缩没有如果让我带你远走我想带走你的风采让他人无法去爱你的所有全都属于我像星星被天空拥有What I'm Going To Say Is I Will Be There For ... To Say Is I Will Be There For You What I'm Going To DoIs LoveYou Til The End(LoveYou Til The End) Oh MySweet Little Baby What I'm Going

2514.Morning Cute看看天空我说捉紧你You're not alone la la lala la la la la ... 爱你轻轻在嘴边亲你loveyou babe You are my baby Morningbabe You aremy baby Morning babe You are my baby Morning babe You are my baby Loveyou babe我已抹上你那最爱香水再吻你抱你太甜蜜爱侣很担心工作里怕你空虚我盼 ... 爱你轻轻在嘴边亲你loveyou babe You are my baby Loveyou babe You a

273.终生角色用剩下的永远 To LoveYou To Marry You经过错误才能遇到对的你做你最暖依靠是我终生的角色*没有占有没有强求没有争

302.软弱(Weakness)ould just loveyou more原谅我从没想过我没想过我没想过你会离开我原谅我软弱推开你是我永远的痛 Baby please don't go Baby pleasedon't go I wish I could just ... don't go I wish I could just loveyou mor

312.Romantic Troubadour高勋 I kiss you in my paintings Ihold you inmy staves Youwere like a shining star to make my world illuminate I've written fair everything Every thing fair I had painted But ... thing fair I had painted But you were leaving in myre-a-ality I'm sorry for That I was too poor to give ... r That I was too poorto give yousomething Something can make you make you really happy Everynight you appear in my dreams said“I loveyou

321.Romantic Troubadour高勋 I kiss you in my paintings Ihold you inmy staves Youwere like a shining star to make my world illuminate I've written fair everything Every thing fair I had painted But ... thing fair I had painted But you were leaving in myre-a-ality I'm sorry for That I was too poor to give ... r That I was too poorto give yousomething Something can make you make you really happy Everynight you appear in my dreams said“I loveyou

331.遇见未知的自己(&赵泳鑫)散烟消 Say I loveyou Say I loveyou Say I loveyou Woah-woah Girl itseems like forever ... 远但其实只有一分钟You got powers to control time limit你有能力控制这个时间 I ain't complaining baby I'mjust excited我没有抱怨我只是等待'Causeall I wanna do is have ... 'Cause all I wanna do is have you right here beside me因为我一直想要你待在我的身边 Hey babyI'm(goona) a never let ... y baby I'm(goona) a

351.与我同在oly God I LoveYou Thank God曾经的我有很多罪恶你都宽恕我我的每一个真诚祈祷你都会

391.我以为iting for you I've been searching for you你有没有过ㄧ瞬间为我心动的感觉I ... 为我心动的感觉 I loveyou so你等的人也在等你也许只有星星知道谁在谁身边最重要谁没炙烈的爱过想握的 ... 能够站在你身后 I loveyou so你等的人也在等

444.你愿不愿意一步好不好爱~ Iloveyou baby风景多美丽看着流星如果我就突然跪下来大声问你一句宝贝你愿不愿意喔... 尽头好不好爱~I loveyou baby就算在海里都能呼吸如果我就突然跪下来大声问你一句宝贝你愿不愿意上 ... 住在我的心爱~ I loveyou baby风景多美丽看看流星现在我就突然跪下来大声问你一句宝贝你愿不愿

501.主题曲 heart to you there is nothing I won't do When I gave my ... ing I won'tdo When I gave my love to you there is nothing left to d

522.挚爱>作词李浪作曲李浪Loveyou my best friend就是摸不到体温消失在前一秒爱怎么体会想靠近的 ... 有理由像吃下了毒药Loveyou my best friend静静的守候想念你曾经的温柔时空交错颠倒寻找

531.TML(&曲赤K-CHEK)ercy Wong You know? How to love? How to share your love? You know? How to love? How to give your love?闪闪星空一起穿梭往事有太多能够碰见就打开心窝这样才没有枉过 To ... 样才没有枉过 To love To my love To love To my love同你排排坐两心隔着银河流过经过擦过原是太多但为什么某与某君针锋带火而某与 ... 某日扶著走过 To Love To My Love To Love

561.你愿不愿意一步好不好爱~ Iloveyou baby风景多美丽看着流星如果我就突然跪下来大声问你一句宝贝你愿不愿意喔... 尽头好不好爱~I loveyou baby就算在海里都能呼吸如果我就突然跪下来大声问你一句宝贝你愿不愿意上... 住在我的心爱~I loveyou baby风景多美丽看看流星现在我就突然跪下来大声问你一句宝贝你愿不愿

5910.今晚只是有些话(单身已读版)by I miss you so tonight怀念你的爱这一次就承认我失败 Come back to my... 念你的爱这一次就承认我失败Come back to my love Come back to my love不在 I miss you so tonight跟时间比赛想我你就回来 Anytime我一定都在 C ... 都已经没有关系 I loveyou so what想对你 say I'm sorry Hey girl没你陪像冬天没盖厚棉被我不该不该让你掉眼泪是我不对我不对 Hey跟你在一起的那些快乐的难过的

603.今晚只是有些话(&孙盛希)by I miss you so tonight还记得有多爱那天起我和你的空白 Come back to my... 得有多爱那天起我和你的空白Come back to my love Come back to my love不在 Hey I miss you so tonight跟时间比赛想我你就回来 Anytime我一定都在 C ... 都已经没有关系 I loveyou so what?想对你say I'm sorry You're sorry Hey girl没你陪像冬天没盖厚棉被我不该不该让你掉眼泪是我不对我不对 Hey跟你在一起

6410.梁山伯与茱丽叶(&卓文萱)爱不放开曹永远 I LoveYou卓我爱你你是我的罗密欧(曹:罗密欧)我愿意变成你的祝英台合幸福的每一天浪漫 ... 爱不放开曹永远 I LoveYou卓我爱你你是我的罗密欧(曹:罗密欧)我愿意变成你的祝英台合幸福的每一天浪漫 ... 爱不放开曹永远 I LoveYou卓我爱你你是我的罗密欧(曹:罗密欧)我愿意变成你的祝英台合幸福的每一天浪

666.小时候我走到世界尽头 I loveyou yes i do i do Yes ido祢救赎的承诺为我代求牺牲爱我... 牲爱我不保留We loveyouyes We do we do Yes we do全心相信等候完全交托

671.倒数三秒ever hurt you oh I will never ever never ever loveyou woo没有万一不说唯一有种爱情说穿就不能继续现在为我倒数三秒我不够好像

731.Our First Christmasiting for you)不想寂寞度过冬季(Love is all around)你怕冷别再一个(孤单更寒冷)有我会伴你走过 ... )一起抱着度过冬季(Love is all around))可一世 I loveyou(Forever) I'm waiting for you. Love is all around你怕冷别再一个(孤单更寒冷)有我会伴你走过( ... )一起抱着度过冬季(Love is all around)可一世 I loveyou(Forever

759.在你身边aby yes I loveyou)就让我抱着你(baby I really want you)阳光不在下雨天灿烂就像梦想勇敢才盛开 ya~~让我能够守护在你身边不会

815.小啤酒er beer I loveyou a beer我们干杯 let's cheers干了这杯小啤酒在爱的路上

921.碎碎念护你在每一秒钟 I loveyou念著念著就天长地久 I loveyou说著说著也不觉得渴 I loveyou牵着牵着永远不放手要我安静除非你吻我你的理想情人是怎样的迷人我的关心连发是 ... 护你在每一秒钟 I loveyou念著念著就天长地久 I loveyou说著说著也不觉得渴 I loveyou牵着牵着永远不放手要我安静除非你吻我 I ... 安静除非你吻我 I love(!

947.废虚Because l loveyou girl什么时候开始气氛凝结到最后成了泪滴到最后化成泪滴我看着墙壁斑驳看摆设随意翻动看着停摆的时钟放任来袭的刺痛有些话选择不说反正也人去楼空到最后变成废墟到最后门关上不再有人驻留想要遗忘却忘记遗忘无法轻放以为残存的希望冷风贯穿了空虚心房惊醒后让爱变成了废墟... 都带走看着你我之前激烈转动我想停止争辩Because l loveyou(!

954.小宝贝头无法原谅错误过去LoveYou很想听见 Say YouLove Me Say YouLove Me Wanna Say怎么不会抓紧着你Oh Baby Oh No

962.以爱为名是你 I want you babyJust wanna to sayYou make mecrazy对爱的渴望无法隐瞒无所不在为爱守候期盼将来爱迫不及待从你的眼神拼凑著未来不再需要为了爱心乱如麻为你而来极尽所能精心安排I wanna dance tonight I wanna show ... na dance tonight I wanna show you tonight奉献我所有高举手宣告全世界效忠你的美就这样一路走来不畏风雨... 挡不住爱的魔力I loveyou baby You make me so cr

971.见招拆招(&曾之乔)沁(F.I.R.)Love'sforever forever forever你最好还没看到我对你偷笑距离抓得刚刚好差一点中招快要踩到甜蜜的圈套没想到你的撒娇会将我撂倒原来聪明到最高就是懂耍宝见招拆招缘份在勾心斗角 Forever每一天想着我看着我抱着我 Please don't ... 依赖我爱是浪漫的捉弄 I want I do I will loveyou forever We will we love forever我不想逃你不想逃这座爱情的监牢我不要走你不要走看你

981.My Love Is You陈志嘉-My Love Is You1.My Love Is You作词小广作曲 KenixCheang编曲Kenix Cheang监制舒文难得你可以和我唱首歌歌声一出我已犯错只因听到你已忘我难得你讲到陪我踼的波应该邀请你再练过为何又聊起今天听的课我的错单相思哪一个知总猜某些句子多了些意思功课有难处寻找你提示胡乱 ... 展到此草稿欠喑示怎明言大志 Woo~ Baby can't you feel my love for you

991.Gelatoのざわめき Can you make it?诱うよリフレイン ohリフレイン色づいてく轮郭は月灯かり ... レアの裾 With your taste inside気にしながらピュアな気持ち My girl裸足 ... の片隅のIs it you?细い指が“ダンスはいかが?”とはにかむMy girl派手な饰りや台词もも ... 词ももういらないねYou've had enoughありふれた夜でいい As long as we can share the sweetest night in ... n sharethe sweete

1004.午夜 DJ2015m dj will youlove me? Come on Together go to party!如

第2个回答  2016-08-09
stewart mac唱的I love you。追问




taylor swift【love story】
【could this be love】
【i loveyou】(拜托小姐插曲)
【loved to be love by you】(我超爱!!)
【because i love you】
萧贺硕【i love you】
【i saw you walking in the rain】
黑眼豆豆【just can‘t get enough】
迈克尔杰克逊【the girl is mine】
【i want to fly】

第3个回答  2016-08-09
bigbang《i love you》 just《i love you》
第4个回答  2018-06-06
歌名是love 9