求以“go shopping”为题的英语4人场景对话,要长点的10-20句


第1个回答  2011-03-17
A:hello ,where are you going?
B:well, we are not sure yet.
C:how about going shopping together?
B:that's a good idea!
D:oh, no. the shopping mall is too far. and the weather report calls for rain.
A:really? Well, this is going to make things a little more difficult.
C:don't worried. i can drive you to the mall .
B:Before we go shopping, we should make a list of the things we must buy.
A:i hear that it is it on sale today.
D:i want to buy some milk,how about you?
A:i am not sure.It depends on circumstances.
C:ah! i need to buy some cpffee, because i feel sleepy at class sometimes.
B:ok! let us go.本回答被提问者采纳