求11春学期《大学英语(四)》课程第二次网上作业答案 急~~~

— I wish you success in your career.
— _______

You are welcome.

You think so.

Yes, please.

The same to you.

— Let's go to the library this afternoon.
— _______

Yes, that's right.

No. I can't.

What about you?

That's a good idea.

— Madam, do all the buses go downtown?
— _________

Wow, you got the idea.

No, never mind.

Pretty well, I guess.

Sorry, I'm new here.

— Are you feeling better today, Jack?
— _______

There must be something wrong.

Just have a good rest.

Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.

Don't worry about me.

— Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you.
— _______

Are you?

Nice to meet you too.


Very nice.

— Good-bye for now.
— _______

The same to you.
其中前几题是这样的 谢谢大家
That's OK.

See you.

Long time no see.

第1个回答  2011-07-26
一看就到是四川大学的作业了。你找找百度网页 zyda8 在线作业追问

我就是查了 没找到才出来求人的啊 晕~~~

第2个回答  2011-07-24