
Here you can view a list of contractors, payees, and owners and print it if desired.
(Information Report) The list you choose can simply list the name of the company and
phone number, or you can choose a more detailed listing including: company name,
address, phone number and your notes. You can also get reports of all of the money you
have paid to each contractor, payee or owner. (Payee Report) This report can also be
detailed, showing each transaction or not detailed, just displaying totals for each. You can
choose a date range for any report. You can also print 1099 forms directly from this folder.

To choose a list of contractors/payees/owners: Depress the buttons of the types
that you want to display, and leave the other buttons in the non-depressed position.

To select one or more from the group displayed: Highlighted names will be on the
report you choose. To highlight or un-highlight names, left click on them. To highlight most of
the list and de-select a few, first left click to highlight the ones you want to remove from the
list, then right click on the entire list to reverse the selection. (This way you can easily
choose all but one or two names from the list)

To choose a list of one or more types of contractor only: Press the Contractor
button on the top of the form. Then click on the desired type or types of contractor to
display them only.

To choose level of report detail: Click on the Detail box to the left. The Information and
the Payee reports can be run as a summary or a detailed report.

To view the list of contractors,payees or owners: Press the DONE button to view the
list as it will appear if printed.

To page through the Report Preview: Press the blue right or left arrow button. The
page number you are viewing will be displayed in the box titled "Page".

To print the report you have chosen: Press the Print button on the top left of the
preview form.

To print 1099s: Load 1099 laser forms into your printer. Select the list of contractors,
owners and or payees as described above. Choose date range of January 1 to December
31 of the year that you want the 1099's. Then press Done to print. Note: 1099 Printing is
an add on module that can be purchased separately or is included in the RentRight Pro and
RentRight 250. Call 1-800-RENT-065 for further information.

第1个回答  2007-06-18
让翻译这么长 还不悬赏分数……
第2个回答  2007-06-18
让翻译这么长 还不悬赏分数……本回答被提问者采纳