

第1个回答  2023-07-27

“下午”这个词在英语中是“afternoon”,发音为 /ˌæftərˈnuːn/。它由“after”(在……之后)和“noon”(中午)两个词组成。


1. Morning(早上):指从早晨到中午的时间段。与“afternoon”相对。

例句:I have a meeting in the morning, but I'm free in the afternoon.

2. Evening(晚上):指从傍晚到夜晚的时间段。与“afternoon”相对。

例句:Let's meet for dinner this evening after your afternoon class.

3. Noon(中午):指正午的时刻。

例句:We usually have lunch at noon.

4. Dusk(黄昏):指太阳落山后天空变暗的时刻。

例句:We took a walk on the beach at dusk.

5. Twilight(黄昏):指太阳落山后天空开始变暗的时刻。

例句:The sky was beautiful during the twilight hours.



1. Good afternoon(下午好):是一种问候用语,用于下午时间段。

例句:Good afternoon, how can I help you today?

2. Afternoon nap(午睡):指在下午休息或打盹。

例句:I like to take an afternoon nap to recharge for the rest of the day.

3. Afternoon delight(下午的欢愉):一种形容两个人在下午享受亲密时光的习语。

例句:They enjoyed some afternoon delight by going for a walk in the park.