
Grandma:I'm making a list.Can you help me?
Grandma:Do we have any meat?
Lucy:Yes,we have some meat.
Grandma:And rice?Do we have any rice?
Lucy:I can't see any rice.No,we don't have any rice.
Grandma:What about eggs?
Lucy:These're some eggs in the refrigerator.
Grandma:How about tofu?
Lucy:Let me see···erm···there's some.
Grandma:OK,thank you,Lucy.
Lucy:You're welcome,
1.Who is making a list?______________________________________________.
2.Do they have any meat?___________________________________________.
3.Do they have any rice?____________________________________________.
4.Are there any eggs in the refrigerator?_______________________________.

第1个回答  2010-12-15
2.Yes,They has some meat.
3.No,They doesn't have any rice.
4.Yes,These're some eggs in the refrigerator.
第2个回答  2010-12-15
1.Grama is making a list.
2.Yes, they have some meat.
3.No,they don't have any rice.
4.These're some eggs in the refrigerator.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-12-15
Grandma is making a list.
Yes, they have some meat.
No, they don't have any rice.
Yes, there are some eggs in the refrigerator.
第4个回答  2010-12-15
2.Yes,They has some meat.
3.No,They doesn't have any rice.
4.Yes,These're some eggs in the refrigerator.
第5个回答  2010-12-15
1.grandma 2.yes 3.no 4.yes本回答被网友采纳