

第1个回答  2010-12-28
Abstract: the pirates crime is a most ancient, harm human society common interests of international criminal behavior. China as a world maritime power, also faces a serious threat of pirates crime. At present, the punishment of crime can only rely on domestic pirates jurisdiction to realize, perfect the criminal sanctions pirates domestic legislation is the sovereign state common responsibility and obligation. Both in law, our country criminal law and international criminal law has not been in an all-round cohesion, according to the international convention enjoyed universal jurisdiction over cannot effectively exercise. Perfect our country's criminal sanctions pirates the relevant legislation, implement the criminal jurisdiction, which is also the need of criminal judicial practice needs. Should according to our country has any international treaty concluded or acceded to the internati...本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-12-28
Abstract:Pirating is one of the oldest international crime subversive to common interests of human society. As an ocean coutry, China has also encountered severe problems of pirating. By now, solution to this crime is solely carried out by internal jurisdiction. Improving the internal legislation of solving pirating is a common responsibility for all the sovereign nations.From the point of legislation, our internal criminal law is not fully connected to the international criminal law.Common jurisdiction of Internation Convention can not be effectively implemented. Improving the legislation of eliminating pitating is a need for jurisdiction implementation, and aslo for criminal law enforcement. A new accusation should be added to the internal criminal law based on the present legislation or the international conviction to establish an integrated legislation system for solving international crimes.本回答被提问者采纳