

第1个回答  2014-01-07
Unit 1 Young (年轻的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的)
strong (强壮的) kind (和蔼的、亲切的) old (年老的) short (矮的)thin (瘦的) Mr (先生) like (像、喜欢) strict (严格的) smart (聪明的、巧妙的) active (积极的、活跃的) quiet (安静的、文静的)very (很、非常) but (但是)
Unit 2
Mondy (星期一) Tuesday (星期二) Wednesday (星期三) Thursday (星期四) Friday (星期五) Saturday (星期六) Sunday (星期天) day (天) have (有、吃) on (在…..时候) do homework (做作业) watch TV (看电视) read books (读书)
Unit 3

) fish (鱼) green beans (
) tofu (豆腐)
(土豆) tomato (西红柿) for (为) lunch (中餐) we (我们) tasty (好吃的) sweet (甜的) sour (酸的) fresh (新鲜的) salty (咸的) favourite (最喜欢的) they are (他们是) fruit (水果) grape (葡萄)
Unit 4
Cook the meals (
) water the
s (浇花) sweep the floor (扫地) clean the bedroom (打扫卧室) make the bed (铺床) set the table (摆饭桌)wash the clothes (洗碗碟) do the dishes (收拾衣服) use a computer (使用计算机
Unit 5
curtain (空调) trash bin (垃圾箱) closet (
) mirror (镜子) end table (
) bedroom (卧室) kitchen (厨房) bathroom (卫生间) living room (客厅) in (在…里面) on (在…上面) under (在…下面) near (在..旁边) behind (在…后边) clothes (衣服)
Unit 6
river (河流)
(花) grass (草) lake (湖泊) forest (森林) path (路) pake (公园) picture (照片) hourse (房子) bridge (桥) tree (树) road (公路) building (建筑物) cle 六年级上册复习资料 一、词汇第一部分:复习要点:(一)名词:1、国名、地名、国籍:国名 地名(有*号是首都) 国籍
China *Chinese Chinese T he USA (America) *Washington DC New York American
T he UK (Britain, England) *London British, English Canada *☆Ottawa Canadian
Japan *Tokyo Japanese Australia *Canberra Sydney Australian France *Paris
French Germany *Berlin German Russia *Moscow Russian Italy *Rome Italian
New Zealand *Wellington ☆New Zealander
(划线的词为“四会”单词,有℃☆号为“三会”单词其余为“三会”单词, )2、关于国家有关的其它词(组):四会:the capital of … , 三会:the population of … , national flag3、节日四会:festival, Spring Festival, Christmas, 三会:Mid-autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Halloween, Easter4、食品:四会:dumpling三会:mooncake, zongzi, dimsun, 5、饭餐:四会:meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner6、自然界四会:river, mountain, hill, lake7、其它:四会:clothes, problem, CD, VCD, doll, bookstore, history, question, turn, 三会:pearl, temple, adult, stocking, voice(二)代词:any
no every thing anything nothing everything body anybody nobody everybody one
anyone no one everyone
(三)形容词(组):1、国家的, … 民族的:四会:China, Chinese, American, British, English, Canadian三会:French, German, Japanese, Italian, Australian2、其它:四会:dirty, excellent, noisy, quiet, bored, boring, poor, free, busy, less, same, lucky, same, different, a lot of, lots of三会:crowded, stupid, afraid, western, popular, (四)数词: 四会:hundred, thousand三会:million(五)动词(组):四会:have been to, go fishing/boating/swimming/shopping, love (our country), come to tea, invite (me, our teacher), ask for, bring (me the book), answer the question, hear (me, the teacher), fell (happy), have a meal, be different from, finish (the exercise, one ’ s homework), phone (me, him), wait for (me, them), sounds (good, beautiful), go away, hope, see you later, 三会:go on the Pearl River Cruise, take a message, dial, have a picnic, go outside, have a problem, mark the homework, decorate (the house, the Christmas tree), row the boat(六)表示时间的词或短语:四会:today, tonight, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, in the morning (afternoon, evening), at night an (干净的)本回答被提问者采纳