

第1个回答  2022-10-29
问题一:谢谢、不用谢、没关系、不客气英语怎么说 谢谢thanks /thanks a lot/thank you
不用谢,不客气you are wele/ my pleasure /don't mention it.
没关系 it's all right/it'sOk /that's fine/It doesn't matter./It's nothing/That's all right.;no sweat [美俚];

问题二:不用谢用英语怎么说? Not at all.不用谢
That's all right.不用谢
That's OK.不用谢
It's nothing. 没什么
It's a pleasure. 不用谢。
You are wele. 别客气。
My pleasure. 我很乐意。

问题三:不客气,用英文怎么说? you are wele

问题四:不用客气英语怎么说 楼上都是用来回答 thank you 的 (不用客气 的一种用法)
no problem; you're wele; not at all; it's okay; my pleasure.
英文没有 不用客气
英文有一个 make yourself at home
是说 “把这当作你的家” 也就是 不用客气 了。

问题五:不客气,用英语怎么说? you are wele

问题六:不客气用英语怎么说 You are wele !

问题七:不用客气的英文怎么写? Do not mention it.
You are very wele.
You're very wele.
Don't mention it.
You are wele.
No trouble.
Please do not mention it.
His answer wants politeness.
Offensive in manner.

问题八:谢谢、不用谢、没关系、不客气英语怎么说 谢谢thanks /thanks a lot/thank you
不用谢,不客气you are wele/ my pleasure /don't mention it.
没关系 it's all right/it'sOk /that's fine/It doesn't matter./It's nothing/That's all right.;no sweat [美俚];

问题九:不客气用英文怎么说 不客气用You're wele来回覆这的确是个非常有礼貌,在任何场合都适用的句子,但是其实还是有许多其他用法可以表达的,
很多甚至都比You're wele,还简洁,更可以让你很快就能掌握并立即运用。
Anytime!可以用来回覆当对方向你表达感谢之意时,就跟短语You're wele! I'm happy to help you anytime!一样,表示”不用客气,随时都很乐意哟!”A:”Thanks for checking my essay.”「谢谢你帮忙检查我的文章。」B:”Anytime!”「不客气,随时都乐意!」
Sure. / Sure thing.Sure在这边即代表of course!(当然!)的意思,从字面上来说也就跟certainly, naturally, or absolutely,一样,皆表示这一点帮助只是理所当然,再正常不过的事呦~你也可以说sure thing,,这跟sure.是一样的用法。A:”Thank you for helping me to carry this.”「谢谢你帮我提这些东西。」B:”Sure!”「当然的啊!」
Don’t mention it.Mention也就是”提到对话或书面上的某些事物”。在这边就跟You're wele. There is no need to thank me.一样,代表不用客气,这一点小事没什啦别再谢我了!A:”Thanks for buying me a coffee.”「谢谢你帮我买咖啡。」B:”Don’t mention it.”「不客气,不用在意。」
Not at all.与don't worry about it 或 there is no need to thank me, 相较之下,”Not at all.”有较强烈的意味表示就因为这一件小事而感谢似乎有点太多馀罗!A:”Thank you for giving me advice.”「谢谢你的建议。」B:”Oh, not at all.”「噢!不客气。一点也不呦~」
No worries!换句话说也就是I didn't do such a difficult thing, so there is no need to worry!,代表自己只是帮忙小事一件并不用太在意,也就是Don't worry about it.,别放在心上~A:”Thanks for giving me a ride to the airport.”「谢谢你载我一程到机场。」B:”No worries!”「不客气!」
No problem.你或许也猜到这句应该就是There is no problem.,没有问题的意思吧!在这例子的状况下,带有些微句子It's no big deal,的意味,也就是说对於自己的帮忙,觉得没什大不了的,不需要特别道谢。A:”Thanks for......>>

问题十:不客气,用英语怎么说? you are wele