

第1个回答  2011-02-27


Unit 2 What Time Is It?
B Let’s talk

1、能够听、说、认读主要句型:It’s time to / for ….并且能够在对话中进行区分和使用。
能够根据提供的内容正确区分和运用It’s time to /for ….进行交际。
1、能够根据提供的内容正确区分运用It’s time to /for ….进行交际。
Free talk:
T: Look at this , what is it ?
Ss: It’s a clock.
T: What time is it?
Ss: It’s 6:30 .It’s time to get up .
(It’s 7:05 . It’s time to go to school . It’s 12:00 . It’s time for breakfast. )
T: What time is it now ?You can look at your watch .
Ss: It’s 10:40 .
T: It’s time for …. Ss: It’s time for English class.
T: Yes. Are you ready?
Ss: Yes, I’m ready.

T: (把学生分为两大组)When you see the sentence ,you must stand up and read the sentences in a hurry .
What time is it ? It’s 6:30 . It’s time to get up .
What time is it ? It’s 7:00 . It’s time for breakfast.
T: Hurry up!Hurry up !
Let’s talk
T:I have a friend , guess boy or girl ?
S1 : A boy .
T: Yes ,you are so clever . Look at here ,how many pictures can you see ?
Ss : I can see three .
T: Look at Picture One , where is Mike ? Is Mike at home?
Ss :No , he isn’t .
T: Where is Mike ?
Ss: He is at home .
T: Look at Picture Two , is Mike at home or at school?
Ss: At home .
T: What about Picture Three ? Can you see the clock on the wall ?What time is it ?
Ss: It’s eight o’clock .
T: Class , today we are going to talk about Mike’s timetable .(PPT)Let’s watch the video , and try to find out the answers.
Ss watch the video (T writes the board writing) .
T: Finish ? The first one , who want to try ?
S1, S2, S3 answer(T plus the score).
Ss read the board writing together.
Ss read after the computer and the teacher , Ss read in two big groups , T read the teacher’s sentences , Ss read the students’ sentences .Then Ss read in 4 and try to act it out with head dressing (4 groups if it can )

T: It’s about Mike’s timetable , do you want to know my timetable ?
Ss: Yes.
T say sometime about his timetable with the clock .
T: Now it’s your turn , talk about your timetable with your clock with your partners , please. Some Ss say their timetables .
T: I want to show you my timetable in writing .Look at the screen , I….What about yours ?
Ss write on the exercise books and try to show in the class(T asks one student to check it ).

五、Game : Make sentence .
T: What time is it now ? Show me your watch ,please .And tell me What time is it .
Ss: It’s 11:10.
T :Yes ,it’s time to play games .Now I want two Ss to come here ,one takes the word card and the other takes the time card , ask and answer .
Ss work in pairs .If they make the wrong partnership , Ss must say yes or no and they change the time or activities.

Let’s find out

T:Class ,you are very helpful ,thank you .Can you help Sarah and Chen Jie ?They are in trouble .Open your books and turn to page 20 .( play the video.)
Ss answer and find out the answers .
Let’s check
Page 23

六、Consolidation and homework
T: Boys and girls .Whatever we do , we should be on time and in time .Try to remember:Time is life. Time is very valuable .Homework:Make a timetable and talk with your friends in English .

Board writing
Unit 2 What time is it ?
B Let’s talk
It’s 6:30 . It’s time to get up .
It’s 7:05 . It’s time to go to school .
It’s 8:00 . It’s time for English .

教学反思:这节课程,本人能够完成规定的教学计划,能够让学生很好地在对话中正确区分和运用重点和难点It’s time to /for ….进行交际。刚开始的分组能够调节学生的积极性,并且能够让学生很好地利用自己的有利条件。本人在导入过程中让学生无形地进入课堂,利用时钟来创设良好的真实环境。在表演前,我的学生养成了良好的学习习惯,让他们先自我介绍再进行表演活动。在学生会表演过程中,允许学生有犯错误的现象,并且让一些在座的学生提出帮助和回答所在时间,让他们有意识地融合课堂之中。学生利用一些简便的随身物品就能够很好地练习对话,例如在妈妈“推赶”学生去上学的时刻,学生可以增加一些学过的旧知识,如:Thank you ,mom . Oh ,my schoolbag is heavy . Where is my pen ? Where are my keys ?从而感受Oops和hurry的意思。
我认为,Let’s talk最重要部分是表演和拓展,是否能够让更多的学生参与到表演之中来?在针对个别学生不够大声说出自己所表达的意思,我觉得他们能在表演中发出正常的口语,而抽选个别中下生大声地复述对话,是否也是一种改革形式呢?