

第1个回答  2023-09-11



1.A fatal accident happens there every couple of weeks, 100-200 people perish there every year.那里每几个星期就有一次重大的交通事故发生,每年有100到200人丧生。

2.People drown, but often people perish long after the waves have stopped coming in.有的人被淹死,但更多的在海啸停止很久后才死去。

3.The MOA warned that more wheat crop could perish if drought continues to linger.中国气象电台预警显示,若旱情继续,更多的小麦作物将死亡。

4.The day approaches when your citizens will perish for their crime of perjury.你们的居民因为犯下造伪证的罪而死亡的时候,那日子近了。

5.Lest I act I will perish in a life of failure, misery, and sleepless nights.如果不行动,我将在失败、痛苦、夜不成眠的日子中死去。

6.I flatter myself the beasts that perish could not underbid that, as a low form of consciousness.我自认为,会毁灭的兽类是不可能以更便宜的方式获得那种低级的意识形式的。