

第1个回答  2024-06-11
1. The giraffe is an African ruminant even-toed mammal, with the Latin name "Giraffa camelopardalis," meaning "camel with leopard spots." It is the tallest living terrestrial animal, standing up to 6-8 meters tall from head to foot and weighing around 700 kilograms. Newborn calves are already 1.5 meters tall.
2. Their fur has a pattern of spots and netting. The head is wide at the forehead, with a pointed snout and large, erect ears. They have a pair of bony short horns on the head, which are covered with skin and fur.
3. The giraffe's neck is exceptionally long (about 2 meters) and has a mane of hair running down the back. The body is stocky, with strong, high limbs. The front limbs are slightly longer than the hind limbs and are used to reach for food. They have wide hooves.
4. The tail is short and has a tuft of black hair at the end. The teeth are primitive low-crowned dentition, which prevents them from feeding on grass and limits their diet to leaves. They have a long tongue for feeding and short horns, which are covered by hairy skin.
5. Giraffes live in African tropical and subtropical open grasslands, thorny shrublands, sparse acacia forests, and semi-desert areas with few trees. They are herbivorous, feeding mainly on leaves and small branches.
6. In the wild, giraffes have a lifespan of about 27 years, but in zoos, they can live over 29 years.Originally from Africa, they are mainly distributed from Sahara southward to eastern South Africa, Natal, and northern Botswana. They have disappeared from most of Western Africa, except for a few individuals in Niger.
7. Giraffes have been reintroduced into South Africa's hunting industry. They are the national animal of South Africa.