
高级经理 营运总监
行政部 开发部 工程部 设备维修部 设备采购部 人力资源部 营运部 训练部 市场部 公关部 采购部 财务部 公共事务部

第1个回答  2007-06-05
高级经理senior manager, 营运总监COO (chief operations officer), 行政部 Admin, 开发部product development department, 工程部engineer department, 设备维修部equipment maintenance department, 设备采购部equipment purchasing department, 人力资源部HR department (human resource), 营运部operation department, 训练部training department, 市场部marketing department, 公关部PR department (public relations), 采购部purchasing department, 财务部finance department, 公共事务部public affair department
第2个回答  2007-06-05
High Level Manager / Senior Manager高级经理
Operating Director营运总监
Service Department行政部
Development Department开发部
Project Department / Engineering Department工程部
Equipment Maintenance Department设备维修部
Equipment Purchasing Department 设备采购部
Human Resource Department 人力资源部
Operating Department 营运部
Training Department 训练部
Marketing Department 市场部
Public Relations Department公关部
Purchasing Department采购部
Finance Department财务部
Public Affairs 公共事务部

Thank you!
第3个回答  2007-06-05
高级经理 senior manager
营运总监 chief operating officer
行政部 department of administration
开发部 department of developement
工程部 department of engieering
设备维修部 department of equipment maintaince
设备采购部 department of equipment purchasing
人力资源部 department of human resources
营运部 operating department
训练部 trainning department
市场部 marketing department
公关部 department of public relations
采购部 department of purchasing
财务部 finance department
公共事务部 department of generel affairs
第4个回答  2007-06-05
senior manager / operation director
什么部门可以用department of ..., 或者 ... department
行政administration / 开发development / 工程engineering / 设备维修equitment maintanence / 设备采购equitment purchasing / 人力资源human resource / 营运operation / 训练training / 市场 marketing / 公关public relation/采购 purchasing / 财务 finance / 公共事务 public affairs
第5个回答  2007-06-05
Senior Manager, Chief Operating Officer, Department of the Ministry of Development of the Ministry of Works equipment maintenance equipment procurement Department of the Ministry of Human Resources, Training Department of the trading market Department of the Finance Ministry's public relations department procurement of the Department of Public Affairs本回答被网友采纳