

第1个回答  2011-06-13
A: Hey , ,what are you doing here?
B: hello, I’m reading a fashion magazine .Would you like read with me together?
A: Sure ,I ’d love to.
B:OK, come here and take a seat .

A: Thank you.
B: Look at all these clothes designed by top fashion designers like Versacci, Calvin Klein, and Vivienne Westwood. What do you think of them?

A: Well, they look lovely, but they’re not very practical. I mean, would you wear that dress to school or walking down the street?

B: I know what you mean. People would stare at you in amazement if you wore something like that in an everyday situation. I suppose only stars or rich people wear them at parties.

A: Maybe. I’m not sure why they have fashion shows like this. Hardly anyone will buy those clothes. The clothes you see are nothing like the ones that ordinary people wear. It seems like a waste of money.

B: I think that the designers hold these fashion shows for a few reasons. First ,it’s just like a big party. They can meet each other and network. The other things is that it is great advertising. All the journalists and photographers are there. Thirdly, it gives them a chance to show what they would like to see people wearing.

A: You mean it’s an expression of their fantasies?

B: Yes, I think the designers are saying that these clothes are what they would like to see people wear if those people weren’t concerned with what other people might think. In a way, the designers are saying: don’t worry about what others think. Wear what you like!

A: Very philosophical. I think they design these clothes more for publicity. They try to see who can be the most extreme and outrageous, but still stylish.

B: Come on. All this fashion has reminded me that I want to buy some clothes.
A: Oh great ,let’s go shopping.

A: What do you think of this coat? Do you think it suits me?
B: Sure. Why don’t you try it on? The fitting room is over there.
A: It’s just the right size-a perfect fit! Have you seen anything you likes?
B: Yes. Do you think I am fashionable in this dress?
A: I think so. Blue is still fashionable at the moment.
B: this style came out last year, though. I like the dress, but I’m not sure whether last year’s fashions will be same this year. Besides, It would be a little expensive
A: Oh, you’d better give it up and look for some other pieces.

B: Then, what about this sweater. I’m thinking about buying one. I know it’s June now, but it will be perfect for autumn and winter.
A: It looks too big for you, but I like the color and the material is good quality. Is it on sale?
B: Yes, it’s half price. It’s supposed to be too large-that’s the fashion.
A: I might get one too, but in a different colour. I prefer light blue to white.
B: There. It looks great, don’t you think? I’m going to get these jeans as well. I need a new pair. Look at this one-- doesn’t it look cool?
A: Yes, it’s really smart. I’d like to get some jeans too, but I don’t have enough cash on me.
B: Don’t worry. I’ve got my credit card. You can pay me back later.
A: Thanks! Now I don’t need to come back to the shop a second time.
B: You’re welcome.

度假村的预约(01:00 PM)

Having Fun on the Phone with Lisa

I called Lisa, the sales manager.

I told her that a nice couple will visit next month and asked her to take good care of them.

It’s been more than 2 years since I’ve worked with Lisa at the hotel in Hong Kong.

Talking to her on the phone is always pleasant because she is such a bright person.

Lisa is interested in studying Korean these days.

She always greets me and says goodbye in Korean.

She studies Korean to help the Korean guests, but she also has another purpose.

She wants to find herself a Korean boyfriend! She probably has been watching too many Korean dramas.

The truth is that not all Korean men are like the actors in drama.

Would she be able to live in Korea with a Korean guy?

Just the thought of it makes me laugh!


