分别以 R,O,N,G 这4个字母开头 想4个英文单词 组成一句有意义的英文词组 最好是能表达出喜欢她或者追她

意思最好是 表达出喜欢她 爱她 想追她 保护她 或者为她改变 等她 等等等等 谢谢 急用啊 八百里加急

第1个回答  2011-04-16
ready ;
go away;I am ready to open myself for you,and i will never go away.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-04-18
Remeber, Only I'll never give up, my Girl!
第3个回答  2011-04-28
you are the rose ,i think only you,can make me notice you,i'am not a girl ,i need a girl to love,that's you!
第4个回答  2011-04-16
Remember to care you all the time
Oh, my darling, I love you so much
Never give up, I'll be there when you need me
Great love can change me, I'll change for you