sorbolene 什么意思


第1个回答  2011-04-06
就是一种石油化工副产品。澳洲很多。强生就有一款sorbolene lotion。可以给婴儿用。既可以涂皮肤也可以洗澡时代替肥皂浴液。防止皮肤干燥的
第2个回答  2011-03-24
第3个回答  2011-03-24



Scientific testing has raised questions about the safety of Sorbolene for regular use. Used too often it has been found to break down the natural barriers the skin produces to fight the effects of irritants. As with numerous other products, you just have to control how often you use the cream in order to use it safely and not to have your skin start depending on its protection. There are absolutely no harmful active ingredients in these products that will do permanent harm to your skin if you use them as they’re meant to be used.

Obviously Sorbolene cream can’t be too dangerous for human skin, because dermatologists often prescribe it for their patients who suffer with eczema or for infants that have very sensitive skin. In addition to acting as a barrier cream, it can also be used as a substitute for soap and will clean and moisturize it without any irritation. The creams that contain Sorbolene also often contain ingredients such as Glycerin and agents that sooth the itchiness of dry skin, but they don’t contain anything that can cause further skin irritation, such as lanolin, fragrances, artificial colors, or thickening agents.