工作中的爸爸 高中作文


第1个回答  2013-07-15






My father is a point of public works, he can no longer ordinary ordinary. Find a person like him very good looking! But his work very seriously!

These days we often it rains, he is father flood control personnel. Spare any day, very hard.

Yesterday evening, under a lot of rain. 22:00 Father him many minutes out, I was upstairs watching him out, by those who seem to light up the water I saw below him a father naked is not the water of one step forward, perhaps the water to my father knee. My father looked out of sight, I really worry for him.

Greater under the more rain, water also rose dramatically. I fit my father down the stairs so I followed father watch him go where duty, water diffuse into my thigh, I would walk up to me half a man. I dare not go the. I got home to sleep, but I can not sleep. Listening to rain more and more I worry that I am a father.

Rain is still under迷迷糊糊of I went to sleep. Father came back the next day, he is busy go to sleep one night, and I told her that: Mom, Dad whispered points only to come back will let him sleep! "

Watching him fell asleep before we lay down their hearts. Father is very hard for him busy the night, this morning they were called out to repair the electricity.

Father really hard!
第2个回答  2013-07-15



在家里, 他是个好爸爸,对我的学习、身体都很关心。我病了,他喂我药,我每次做错作业是,连老师都没让我该错什么的,他却每次都跟我将得一清二楚之后在重新让我做在另外一个专门的本子上(他每次还要检查的哟)。


妈妈在武汉读博士,爸爸知道她忙,不仅把所有家务都包在自己身上,每次妈妈回来,他都是千般温柔、万般体贴,弄菜总弄些好菜,不是妈妈喜欢吃的,就是鱼呀,肉呀什么的,我都羡慕死啦。我爸爸的手艺很好哟,菜做得可好吃了,有时他还开玩笑说:“我以后把工作辞了,去开个小饭馆好了。”听到这话,妈妈不进支持,还应着爸爸:“好呀,好呀,要是你开参观, 我也去帮忙,辞掉工作。”



我的一家是当今中国社会中无数普普通通的家庭中的一个,一个和睦的充满幸福与 温馨的四口之家:爸爸,妈妈,弟弟和我。

爸爸多年从事教育工作。从前曾先后作过中学教师,教导主任;现在仍在一所中学作领导工 作。在我的记忆中爸爸每天都是很繁忙的。爸爸的性格内向,为人正直,工作中不徇 私情。他的不苟言笑,每每使我感到敬畏。除了工作以外,他最大的兴趣和爱好便 是读书和集邮。每次出差回来,他的旅行袋里总会多上几本新书(文、史、哲方面的);爸爸 的集邮兴趣好像与生俱来,早在小学读书的时候他就开始搜集邮票,现在算起已近万枚。这 些邮票都分门别类地藏于他的集邮册中。�

妈妈和爸爸一样,也是一位教育工作者——多年从事基础教育的小学教师。在学校里,她热 爱本 职工作,责任心极强;在家里她是一位慈爱的母亲,生活上无微不致地照顾我们;在人生道 路上时常引导我们读一些健康有益的书,帮助我们端正人生态度。妈妈的性格活泼、开朗, 很喜 欢唱歌。不知是教师的摇蓝——师范学校铸就了她这样的性格,还是这样的性格使她最终选 择了小学教师这个职业。

如今,爸爸妈妈虽已都进入了中年的行列,但在改革开放的大好形势下,他们的精神却 更加振奋,干劲也更足。

我和弟弟是家里的核心人物,一个是爸爸妈妈的掌上明珠;一个是他们的心肝宝贝。他们对 我们关心倍至,但从不放过我们身上的缺点和毛病。弟弟的天赋很好,正在读初一 ,他喜欢数学,更爱好足球,有时不免也因此影响了学习,爸爸经常对他进行循循善诱的教 导。�
我的兴趣和弟弟截然不同。爸爸的博览群书,使我对文学产生了浓厚的兴趣,妈妈的 音乐素质,又使我对音乐特别敏感,基于这样的性格和多年来家庭环境的影响,当我 初三毕业时便毅然报考了师范学校。

我的一家居住在城南的一幢居民楼不被人注意的一角,但在我的心目中,却是那样的温馨— —他给我亲情,给我欢乐,因为那里有爸爸的关怀,妈妈的爱护,弟弟的纯真。 �
第3个回答  2013-07-15
My father is a dentist. If you think dentists are only people who sit and look at people's teeth, you are wrong! Having white and healthy teeth makes a good impression on people. Therefore, there are lots of people who come into my father's dental office everyday. From 7 o'clock in the morning to 6 o'clock in the evening, my father works at his office diligently and merrily. He receives everyone of his patients with the warmest welcom. He has been awarded as the best dentist for many years. With his busy work, my father barely has time for our family. He never eats dinner with us. Sometimes, he doesn't come home until 9 o'clock, and he goes out to do his job whenever he receives a call for him to treat a patient. Every month, my father also takes one day off, not for us, but to attend a dental conference. He learns about new ways to whitten and strengthen teeth effectively, and exchange conversations with other well-known dentists. My father also works on saturdays. He also works on holidays when there aren't many patients coming. He always says, "I want to be here just in case. Someone might have some sudden illness with his teeth. I want to be able to help him." My father is a busy yet wonderful worker, and I'm proud of him for his job.