

第1个回答  2022-07-01



  1.Take good care of youself for me.

  2.You will be missed badly.

  3.I can't wait for your next mail.

  4.You are always in my prayer!

  5.Wish you could floate into my dream tonight.

  6.I will see you with my eyes closed.wish u lots of luck take care!

  7.remember me to your family.向你家人致意

  8.best wishes for you.给你最美好的祝愿

  9.good luck

  10.best wishesto you.

  11.god bless you send my love.

  12.Wishing you peace,joy and happiness throughout Christmas and the coming year.在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福!

  13.Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,圣诞快乐,新年快乐。

  14.It seems that Christmas time is here once again,and it is time again to bring in the New Year.We wish the merriest of Christmases to you and your loved ones,and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.圣诞节转眼又到,又该迎接新的一年了。我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,幸福美满!

  15.May Christmas and the New Year be filled with happiness for you.愿你圣诞和新年幸福无尽。

  16.With good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season.Hope things are going all right with you.在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!

  17.Christmas comes but once a year.But when it comes it brings good cheer.圣诞节一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

  18.May you have the best Christmas ever.愿你度过最美好的圣诞节!

  19.Wishing you much joy in the coming year.May the warmest wishes,happiest thoughts and friendliest greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。

  20.A Christmas greeting to cheer you up,from your daughters.愿女儿的圣诞祝福带给你快乐。

  21.At Christmas and always,may peace and love fill your heart,beauty fill your world,and contentment and joy fill your days.圣诞的祝福,平日的希冀,愿你心境祥和、充满爱意,愿你的世界全是美满,愿你一切称心如意,快乐无比。

  22.Wishing you peace and love in this Christmas season,from all your students.祝老师圣诞节充满平安和爱。

  23.I hope all your Christmas dreams come true!愿你所有的圣诞梦想都成真!

  24.Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings.祝你享尽圣诞佳节的快乐和圣诞的礼品。

  25.I wish you a merry Christmas.Affection and best wishes to you and yours.以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

  26.In the season of joy I present my sincerest wishes and kindest thoughts.May this Christmas outshine all the rest.在这欢乐的时节给你我最真的祝福和亲切的思念,愿你今年的.圣诞比往年更璀璨。

  27.May Christmas be a time of laughter and real joy for you.Best wishes.愿圣诞不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。

  28.May the glow of the Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year's bright.Have a love-filled Christmas and New Year!愿圣诞的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你的圣诞和新年充满爱。

  29.Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines,the scent of flowers and wine,good talk,good memories and loyalties renewed.But if all else is lacking-love will do.圣诞是这样美好的时光:炉火熊熊,花儿芬芳,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝福,美好回忆,恩爱日新。即便没有一切,只要有爱便足矣。

  30.With the old wish that is ever new,may the greeting do its share toward making your Christmas a pleasant one.老的祝福,却又常新,愿此祝福使你的圣诞更加愉快圆满。

  31.Numerous loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me.无尽的爱恋与祝福,献给我的爱妻,你永远是我珍贵的圣诞礼物和我的一切!

  32.Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.Yours sincerely,

  33.I look forward to your reply.

  34.I would appreciate it if you could give me a reply as soon as possible.Sincerely yours,

  35.If you coulf do like above,I would be most grateful.Thank you for your help.

  36.All my best wishes for the future!祝您一切顺利!

  37.Please give my love to your family.请代我问候你的全家。

  38.Take good care of yourself and write often.多保重,常来信。

  39.With the season's greetings.谨致节日的敬意。

  40.Meanwhile,we wish you good health and every success in your work.祝身体健康,工作顺利!

  41.I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.祝您圣诞愉快,新年快乐!

  42.WishWishingyou every success in your future career!祝你成功!

  43.All my best wishes for the future!祝你一切顺利!

  44.Hoping that you'll get well soon.祝您早日康复。

  45.Wish you the best of health and success!祝您身体健康,工作顺利。

  46.Say hello to your parents for me.请代我向您父母问好。

  47.May God bless you and your family!With every good wsh for your happiness.愿上帝保佑你及你的家人。祝你幸福。


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