英语作文 假设你是李华写信讲述你在英国的生活

1.住在英国人家里,与房东家同龄孩子成为好朋友2.你们谈论学校生活和课外活动情况,你的口语有了很大进步3.夏令营活动丰富多彩参观博物馆与当地学生进行球赛,举行晚会等.... 字数越多越好 考试急用 跪求给位大虾帮帮忙!!!!!!十万火急

第1个回答  2013-06-25
hello! John. I am Li Hua and i want to share with someting about i am in the UK. I am live with a family and they all the person of the UK. I was be a friends with the children of the family i was live. I always share the happiness and sadness with them. I was impored my english very quickly cause i talk with them everyday. I was do many things i don't have chance to do before. such as: go to the prom, go to be a volunteer, and other interesting and funny things. I am very enjoy stay here and i love the UK.
第2个回答  2013-06-25
Dear John,
I’ve been in England for two weeks now.You must be eager to know what’S going on with me in our home country and how I feel about my stay here.
I’m staying with an English family and spend a lot of time with them.They have a son of my age and very soon we become good friends.We talk about our school lives,and after class activities too.By talking with him,I’ve improved my spoken English greatlY.I’m sure you’11 find it when I’m back and see you again.
The summer camp’S life is rich and colorful.We have a lot of activities,for example,visiting museums.playing football with the students here and having evening parties.I’ve learned a lot from these activities.
I miss you very much and will wri te you more about my life here.

Best wishes,
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