

第1个回答  2022-06-24

英语中 , 小到词和词组大到句子和段落 , 都可以进行名词化处理。如:  He failed. 可以转换成 his failure ; My brother teaches algebra. 可以转换成 . My brother is an algebra  teacher.都可以称这名词化。

但是名词化在这种小的程度上实际上所起的作用并不大,而只有将其放在一个完整的句子中 , 方可看出其转换的好处。比如说前面的 his failure 。如果原本后面还有句子: He failed , and this made him  lose his fortune and fame. This became the turning point of his life.如果前面进行转换,我们不仅可以在 failure 前面加上形容词,如 severe ,还可以将并列句的后半句与前面进行整合。 His severe  failure,which cost him a good fortune and his fame,became the  turning point of his life.这样子原本两个句子(三层完整的主谓宾结构),就可以非常轻松的转换为一个主谓宾的结构, 使中心更明确更突出。需要注意的是,本身的动词转换成名词之后,大多时候就转换成名子的主语或者是宾语了,那么原句的谓语就 替换 成其它的词汇了。而在句子中,最重要的信息通常由句子的主干部分来表现,即句子的主语、谓语以及宾语部分,因此转换后的谓语动词,必须是我们要去强调的一个动作。如上述的 became ,是为了强调这次失败成为了一个转折点。

相对应的,名词化后的这个词,我们最想去表达的是其相对静止的意思,即表达一个状态而非一个动作了,上述的他 fail 的过程被省略,从而代之的是他失败后的这个状态 failure ,或这件事情作为一个起因或原因,又导致了其它的事。 这就提醒我们,在写作的句子中,如果本身是谓语的部分要去名词化,那么我们是为了把本身的一个要表达成一个动作的意思,转换为一个起因或一个结果的状态或事件,从而弱化其本身事件的动作和变化性、而强调其状态。

如: 例 1. 当一种语言消失时,也就将导致一种文化的消失,这对人类文明来说是一个无法逆转的损失。

翻译:Whenone type languagedisappeared,that very culture becomes extinctand this means a non-reversible loss of human civilization.

名词化:The disappearance of one type of language resulted in the extinction of that very culture,which means a non-reversible loss of human civilization.

上述转换过程中,我们将 when one type of language disappeared 的这个动词转换成了名词 disappearance ,将 become extinct ,中的形容词转换成了 extinction ; 这样做的好处 是 ,强调了一个新的词组 result in , 从而突出前者是后者的因;而因和果的都不是转换过程本身的这个动作 ,因此在这里使用名词化就非常合理。 在写作中学生使用率最高的是一组名词化转换的词组。

形容词的名词化, 一旦涉及到这个形容词部分要表达的意识是我们需要去强调的,万 一 其是一件事情的前因或后果的时候,我们就非常有必要对其进行名词化了。我们来看 SAT 学生在写作中描写法国球员享利时写的几个名子。

例 2. After he practiced hard for one year , Henry became faster , stronger and more skillful . From this tim e, he distinguished himself from his teammates whoabided by the regular training schedule.

此例是为了强调享利通过努力后取得了傲人的成绩,因此结果本身是我们要强调的部分即 “ became faster , stronger and more  skillful”,而这个结果又进一步带来他与别人的不同。因此我们若将句子中的形容词部分句词化,转换成如下句子,则强调部分变得清晰得多。

After one-year incessant hard practice , Henry gained speed , strength , and mature skills , which distinguished Henry from his teammates who abided bythe regular training schedule.

例 3 : Firstly , people can be encouraged by environmental obstacle to achieve a success , which common people cannot attain. Firstly , the environmental obstacle encourages one to achieve a success beyond the reachof common people.

这里的 which common people cannot attain ,用一个 beyond 就简单传达了其意思。当然我们主句部分使用了无灵主语格的表达方式。 在写作中常可以和名词化相关的介词还有 with/without/against 。

例 4. When his girl friend is here , he feels much better. With his girlfriend here , he feels much better。

例 5. While the public supports that government should be  regarded and followed,Jason thought it should be justifiable to challenge theauthority. Against a public opinion , Jason thought it should be justifiable to challenge thegovernment.

在无灵主语格转换的三种方式(宾语变主语、状语变主语、事件的整体原因变主语)之中,我们上述的 people can be encourage by  environment obstacle是将状语成分转换成了句子的主语;而 disappearance of one type of language 的例子则是把一件事情的原因当成了主语。这个主方不仅名词化了,同时还使用了无灵主语格。出现的原因是, 通常我们将动词或形容词转换成的名词都是抽象名词,是没有生命的;如果我们再将这部分名词化的成分强调为一件事情的起因,则大多数情况下需要将其转换成主语,这样就转换成了无灵主语格。



As long as the teachers and parents communicate  frequently and directly,the parents can be ensured to have a wholegrasp of the progress of the children.

Direct and frequent communication between parents and teachers can guarantee/ensure/ promise the parents a whole grasp ofthe progress of the children.


例7. Firstly,people can learn from sports that it is better to keep health and enjoylife.

Important of all,sports can enlighten people on the importance of health maintenance and life enjoyment.



(我是文字搬运工&保洁员,原文来自于豆瓣 https://www.douban.com/group/topic/23218145/