

第1个回答  2014-04-29
很难相信这个造纸厂仅仅是在几年前白手起家办起来的。One can hardly believe that this paper mill was started from scratch only a few years ago.
老师对我们进行了很难的英语测验。Our teacher set us a stiff test in English.
很难插身difficult to squeeze in
这些引语很难查出出自何处。Сложно определить, из какого источника взяты эти цитаты.
地面上升起的潮气使墙壁的颜色变得很难看。The damp rising from the ground caused the walls to stain badly.
这病很难除根。It’s difficult to find a permanent cure for this disease.
由于有雾,我们很难看清道路。It was very difficult to see our way because of the fog.
大理石很难雕刻。It is difficult to engrave in marble.
那家伙很难对付。That guy is very hard to deal with.
时间隔得这么久了,很难确定这化石的年代。At this distance of time it is difficult to date the fossil.
他写的书很难懂,他的讲演就更难懂了。It is difficult to understand his books, much more his lectures.
只有几个学生通过了考试,可见考题是很难的。Only a few students passed the exam, so you can see that the paper must have been extremely stiff.
这些结果很难与任何已知的原因联系在一起。It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause.
在那个国家中,没有一点门路就很难找到职业。In that country one can hardly get a job without any pull.
这山很难爬。This hill is hard to climb.
这种草药很难得。Этот вид лекарственных трав очень редок.
那些年他要养家,日子很难过。In those years he had a very hard time making a living for his family.
听到这消息他很难过。He was grieved to hear the news.
他听到这个消息,脸色变得很难看。When he heard the news, his face took on a ghastly expression.
对这我一直感到很难受。I’ve been feeling awfully bad about it.
他什么时候回来还很难说。No one can tell when he will return.
他听见别人这样夸他,感到很难为情。He was very embarrassed to hear people speak so highly of him.
他的希望怕很难实现。I’m afraid his hope won’t come true easily.
队员之间很难做到配合默契。Good teamwork between the players is not easy to get.
这很难取得可靠的凭据。It is difficult to obtain reliable evidence.
失败的原因很难确定。It’s difficult to assign any reason for the failure.