

第1个回答  2013-01-04
  Study of urbanization is an important part in city planning. In China, since the beginning of the reform and opening up to the outside world and especially with the establishment of the market economy system, the national economy as well as the whole society has experienced rapid development and the pace of urbanizaton has been accelerating. However, a series of undesirable problems has arisen in the process of urbanization because of the absence of theory-wise guidance deriving from a scientific outlook on urban development. This dissertation deals with those problems breeding in the urbanization process in China. Furthermore, referring to the features and tendencies of urbanization in the West together with the experience of these Western cities, the author attempts to analyse the course and seek some rules governing urbanization, and the corresponding relevant strategies and measures have also been put forward, which may play a role in guiding our urbanization to go through sound. systematic and sustainable growth.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-01-04
There is no denying that the urbanization study has become an important theme in the urban planning as a result of the development of urbanization in an outstanding speed in accordance with the development of national economy and social reform after the Chinese economic reform and opening to the outside world, especially with the establishment of socialist market economy.However, It appeared a seris of problems in the course owing to a lack of scientific guidance of urban development.Thus,this study comes up with some counterpans and meassures on the basis of the problems occurred in our country by using the experience of the western countries for reference with the acquaintance of the features and trend of western urbanization development to grasps the pattern so as to lead the urbanization in a healty, ordered,and sustainable path.

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第3个回答  2013-01-04
Urbanization study is an important theme in urban planing. In China, since the reform and opening-up, especially with the establishment of socialist market economic system, national economic and social development have got a rapid development, as well as the rapid development of urbanization process. However, due to the lack of scientific urban development guidance, it has caused a series of problems for urbanization in our country. This article will aim at the problems which occur in recent urbanization process of our country, and based on the characteristics and trend of western urbaniation process to learn its experience and seize its urbanization laws, then putting forward the corresponding strategies and treatments to guide our urbanization healthy, orderly and sustainable development.

第4个回答  2013-01-04
The urbanization is an important theme in the city lay-out. In china, since the reform and openess, especially the ensurance of socialist market economy system, that national economy and social status has acheived a great development,as well as the development of urbanization.However, being lack of guidance of scientific city development, which results in a seris of problems.And this essay is foucs on the problem occurs in the development of urbanization, and come up with some counterpans and meassures to guidea healty, ordered,and sustainable development according to the features and trend of western urbanization development.
第5个回答  2013-01-04
Study to urbanization enjoys great importance for urban planning. National economy and social development as well as urbanization in China have been developing at a fast rate since the beginning of theopening up policy coupled with establishment of socialist market economic system. Nevertheless, during the developing period matters bursted out due to lack of scientific guidance for development. This article gives counterplans and measures to support orderly, healthy and sustaining urbanization development, on the basis of study on western urbanization process like its tendency, characteristics and rule of urbanization.