

第1个回答  2013-08-02
《最后一片叶子》 (一译《最后的常春藤叶》
"Girl" “姑娘”
  “Next To Reading Matter”“醉翁之意”
  "What You Want" “君欲何求”
  An Adjustment of Nature 自然之修正
  After Twenty Years 二十年后
  An Afternoon Miracle 午后的奇迹
  The Atavism Of John Tom Little Bear 小熊约翰·汤姆的返祖现象
  Babes In The Jungle 丛林中的孩子
  Best-Seller 畅销品
  Between Rounds 闹剧
  A Bird Of Bagdad 巴格达的鸟
  A Blackjack Bargainer 闪锌矿的讲价者
  Blind Man's Holiday 盲人的节日
  The Brief Debut of Tildy 特尔迪的登场
  Buried Treasure 埋藏的珍宝
  By Courier 邮差
  The Caballero's Way 绅士之道
  The Cactus 仙人掌
  Caliph 哈里发
  The Cupid and the Clock 丘比特与钟
  A Call Loan 电话贷款
  The Call Of The Tame 驯服的号召
  Calloway's Code 卡罗威密码
  The Chair Of Philanthromathematics 慈善事业数学讲座
  A Chaparral Christmas Gift
  A Chaparral Prince
  Christmas by Injunction
  The Coming-Out of Maggie
  Compliments Of The Season
  Confessions of a Humorist 幽默家的告白
  Conscience In Art 艺术良心
  The Cop and the Anthem 警察与赞美诗
  A Cosmopolite in a Cafe 咖啡馆里的世界公民
  Cupid a la Carte
  The Day Resurgent 复活日
  The Detective Detector 几位侦探
  The Dog and the Playlet
  A Double-dyed Deceiver 双料骗子
  The Duel 决斗
  The Duplicity of Hargraves 哈格里弗斯的两面性
  The Fifth Wheel 第五轮
  From the Cabby's Seat
  The Furnished Room 带家具出租的房间
  Georgia's Ruling 乔治亚的统治
  The Gift of the Magi 麦琪的礼物(也有人译为《贤人的礼物》)
  The Girl And The Graft 女孩与贪污
  The Girl And The Habit 女孩与习惯
  The Gold That Glittered 闪亮的金子
  The Green Door 绿色的门
  The Handbook of Hymen 婚姻手册
  He Also Serves
  The Head-Hunter 猎头者
  Hearts and Crosses 心与十字架
  Hearts and Hands 心与手
  The Hiding of Black Bill 布莱克·比尔藏身记
  The Higher Abdication 退位
  The Higher Pragmatism 实用主义
  Hygeia at the Solito 索利托牧场的卫生学
  The Hypotheses of Failure 失败的假设
  The Indian Summer of Dry Valley Johnson 干燥峡谷约翰逊的印第安夏日
  Jimmy Hayes And Muriel 吉米·海斯和缪里尔
  Jeff Peters As A Personal Magnet 催眠术家杰甫·彼得斯
  The Last Leaf 最后一片叶子
  A Little Local Colour 地方特色
  A Little Talk About Mobs 小谈暴徒
  Lost on Dress Parade 华而不实
  The Love-Philtre of Ikey Schoenstein
  Madame Bo-peep of the Ranches 女牧场主波皮普
  Mammon and the Archer 爱神与财神
  Man About Town 城中男子
  The Man Higher Up 黄雀在后
  The Marionettes 提线木偶
  The Marry Month of May 五月是个结婚月
  A Matter of Mean Elevation
  Memoirs of a Yellow Dog 黄狗追思录
  The Missing Chord 断了的弦
  The Moment of Victory 胜利时刻
  A Municipal Report 市政报告
  A Newspaper Story 报纸的故事
  A Night In New Arabia 新阿拉伯一夜
  No Story 没有故事
  One Dollar's Worth 一元钱的价值
  Out of Nazareth 拿撒勒之外
  Past One At Rodney's
  The Pimienta Pancakes 比绵塔薄饼
  The Poet And The Peasant 诗人与农夫
  A Poor Rule 愚昧的规定
  The Princess and the Puma 公主与美洲狮
  Proof Of The Pudding 布丁的证明
  Psyche And The Pskyscraper 心理分析与摩天大楼
  A Ramble In Aphasia 小谈失语症
  The Ransom of Mack 马克的救赎
  The Ransom of Red Chief 红色酋长的救赎
  The Red Roses of Tonia 托尼娅的红玫瑰
  The Reformation of Calliope 雄辩女神的改变
  The Roads We Take 我们选择的道路
  The Robe Of Peace 和平之长袍
  The Romance of a Busy Broker 证券经纪人的浪漫故事
  The Rose of Dixie 南部之花
  Round The Circle
  The Rubber Plant's Story 橡胶树的故事
  Rus in Urbe
  A Sacrifice Hit 祭祀冲突
  Schools and Schools 学校
  Seats of the Haughty 傲慢之席位
  A Service of Love 爱的牺牲
  Shearing The Wolf 虎口拔牙
  Sisters of the Golden Circle
  The Skylight Room 带天窗的房间
  The Snow Man 雪人
  Sociology in Serge and Straw
  The Song and the Sergeant 歌曲与警官
  The Sparrows in Madison Square 麦迪逊广场的麻雀
  The Sphinx Apple 斯芬克斯苹果
  Springtime a la Carte
  Strictly Business
  Suite Homes and their Romance 套间的浪漫
  Supply and Demand 供需
  A Technical Error 技术性失误
  Telemachus, Friend 刎颈之交
  The Theory and the Hound 理论与猎犬
  Thimble Thimble 顶针
  The Things The Play
  The Third Ingredient 第三种成分
  To Him Who Waits 给等待的人
  Tobin's Palm 托宾的手掌
  Tommy's Burglar 汤米的窃贼
  Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen 两位感恩节的绅士
  An Unfinished Story 没说完的故事
  The Unknown Quantity 未知数量
  The Venturers 投机者
  While The Auto Waits 汽车等待的时候
  The Whirligig of Life 生活的波折
  Withes' Loaves 女巫的面包
  The World and the Door 世界与门



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第2个回答  2016-12-04
The Social Triangle是他写的
第3个回答  2013-08-02


第4个回答  2020-01-16
第5个回答  2015-12-07
有啊 social triangle 就是欧亨利写的