

第1个回答  2015-11-08
  [Flag] rectangular, length and width ratio is 3:2. Top-down is made from red, white and blue of the three equal horizontal rectangle parallel connected. Blue ocean facing the country, a symbol of happiness of the people; white symbol of freedom, equality, democracy, also on behalf of the people of the simplicity of character; red represents revolution.
  【首都】阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)有人口73. 5万(2003年);政府所在地:海牙(The Hague) ,人口45.8万(2003年)。
  [Capital] Amsterdam (Amsterdam) has a population of 735,000 (2003); seat of government: The Hague (The Hague), population 458,000 (2003).
  【美食】 荷兰著名小吃——生吃鲱鱼
  [Food] Netherlands famous snack - raw herring Dutch herring eat quite special way, not with fried or baked, but directly with chopped onions or spotting raw egg yolk salad dressing. Around tourist attractions and downtown retailers have sales stalls. Tanqian fish in the Netherlands, you can always see a well-dressed locals pinch your thumb and index finger fish tail, the fish up and put down, dipped onion, raised his head, mouth directed at the direction of the head, then mouths, "ah Well," one, put the piece of raw fish mouth ravenously swallowed up, the entire action at one go, it is to enjoy.
   Practice within the kitchen: raw fish washed with brine soak for 2-3 days, and then come to the head, fish bones removed, and finally with a point onion, delicious Serve.本回答被网友采纳