

第1个回答  2013-06-11
1-5 CBACC 6-10 BCACB
11-15 BACBC 16-20 ABBCA
21-25 BCDDA 26-30 BBBBB
31-35 DCAAA 36-40 BDCAB
41-45 CDDAC 46-50 BDACD
51-55 BACAB 56-60 DADAC
61-65 BDDAA 66-70 DCCBA
71-75 CBABA
阅读表达(One possible version)
76. His engineering degree test.
77. They were almost lifeless, floating on the water, pale and motionless.
78. Because there was no room for him.
79. would have died
80. My neighbor and I saved two lives.
写作 (One possible version)
It has been my dream to be an astronaut for many years. The fact that Chinese astronauts have been into space several times makes me even more interested in space.
When I was very young, I used to hear adults tell stories about the moon and the stars. For that reason I often watched the sky in the evening, imagining what was on the moon and other stars. I dreamed that one day I could fly into space to find the secrets of the universe.
I will study hard to accumulate a great deal of knowledge, trying to learn more about space and take exercise every day in order to be a good astronaut. If I really become an astronaut in the future, I will devote myself to exploring space.

