

第1个回答  2016-10-12
  A seat, etiquette. Ask guests seated on the seats, then please seat elderly guests were seated next to the seat from the left into the chair. Don't move their chopsticks, don't make any noise. What is more, don't get up and walk around. What if something to greet the master (opposite the door for attendance, is generally based on the identity of the other party to arrange the position).
  Two, dining, the first guests to move the chopsticks. Dish each less, far away from their own to eat some vegetables, do not make a sound when eating soup, also not a sound soup with a spoon supping, should not put the bowl to your mouth to drink soup, hot cool after drink, don't drink while blowing. Some people like to eat hard to chew crisp food, issued a very clear voice, this approach is not required for etiquette, especially with people dining together, we should try to prevent this phenomenon.
  Don't burp, three meals, other voices will not arise if there is sneezing, bowel and other can't help the sound, it is necessary to say "I feel shy", "sorry", "please forgive me" like it, apologize.本回答被网友采纳