as well 的作用


第1个回答  2022-10-08
As well 虽然要置在句末,但并不是助语词,而是「也」及」「并且」的意意。 没有了 as well ,句子意思就会有点不一样,所以它并非助语词,如: He is a policeman and his father is a policeman as well. A: My birthday is on the 21st of February. B: What a coincidence! Mine is on the 21st of February as well. 另外,有答题者说 as well as = and ,希望这不是老师说的,因为这个等号,太过「差不多」了。 As well as 与 and 虽然相似,但却是有明确的分别,很多情况下是不能互用的,如: (1) 虽然意意与 and 一样,但 as well as 后的动词要用 ing 形式 He hurts his arm and breaks his leg. He hurts his arm as well as breaking his leg. (2) as well as 带出的名词或动词,都是附带说明,不当作是主名词或主动词 Peter and Mary are going to school. Peter
as well as Mary
is going to school. (3) 如第二点所说, as well as 是附带说明,所以并非句字的重点,而且别人大概已经知道 Alan Leong
as well as Donald Tsang
is running for the 2007 CE election. (重点在说梁要参选,曾参选是大家都知的) The coffe shop sells orange juice as well as coffe. (大家都知咖啡店卖咖啡,所以句子重点是它也卖橙汁。) (4) as well as 有一个意思是与 and 完全不同的,就如 as big as 、 as tall as 等用作比喻的意思 He is as tall as Tom. He sings as well as playing the piano. (他一边弹纲琴一边唱歌) (这一句的 as well as 与 and 一样,除了要用 ing 之外) He sings as well as he plays the piano. (他唱歌如他弹纲琴一样了得) (这一句就与 and 不同) He sings as well as Tom does. (他唱得如汤姆一样好) (这一句也与 and 不同) 古德明的《征服英语》有提过第一至第三点。
as well=also 我哋系句子最后果度eg xxxxxxas well 唔系助语词黎嫁 as well as =and
参考: 无呀
as well 是等于 too 禁用... 何解: 也;同样地;还不如 for example: I'm ing to London and my sister's ing as well. 我要来伦敦