

第1个回答  2012-05-05
1、一个数的亿位和千万位上的数字是最大的一位数,万位和千位上的数字是最小的质数,其余各位都是零,这个数写作( ),四舍五入到亿位约是( )
3、80%=( ):25=( )(小数)
4、6x=11y,则x:y =( ):( )
5、5比4多( )%,4比5少( )%
6、在一幅地图上,图上6厘米表示实际距离180千米,这幅地图的比例尺是( )
7、把一根长3米的铁丝平均截成7段,每段长( ),每段是这根铁丝的( )。
8、一个三位小数四舍五入后得4.80,原来的小数最大是( ),最小是( )。
9、在长7分米,宽4分米的长方形里画一个最大的圆,这个圆的面积是( )。
10、用一根长36厘米的铁丝围成一个正方体框架,它的体积是( )立方厘米,表面积是( )平方厘米。
1、种105棵树,全部成活,成活率是105%( )
2、一个三角形三个内角度数的比是1:4:5,那么最小的角是18°( )
3、三角形的底一定,底边上的高和面积成正比例。( )
4、自然数除了质数,其余都是合数。( )
5、1 的分子加上9,要使分数的大小不变,它的分母也应加上9。( )
1、4.50的计数单位是( )
A、1 B、0.1 C、0.01
2、非零的自然数a、b、c、d满足a× =b× =c× = d则a、b、c、d中最小的一个是( )
A、a B、b C、c D、d
3、已知甲数大于乙数,它们的最大公约数是6,最小公倍数是36,则甲数最小应为( )
A、6 B、12 C、18
4、甲的钱的 给乙后,甲乙两人钱数就相等,甲、乙原有钱数的比是( )
A 、2:3 B、3:2 C、1:3 D、3:1
5、一套衣服出售时先提价10%,三天后又降价10%,现在售价与原价相比( )
A 、高于原价 B、低于原价 C、等于原价 D、无法比较
1、25.4×1.63+0.37×25 - 25.4 2、12.5×0.64

1、一个数的 比2.8的 少1,求这个数是多少?

2、225个 减去0.35除 的商,结果是多少?







姓名 学号 分数



( ) 1. Ben runs faster than Jim.
( ) 2. He's talking about his father.
( ) 3. My friends swim faster than me.
( ) 4. I got up at a quarter past six this morning.
( ) 5. I'm not doing well in PE.
( ) 1. Who is good at Maths?
A. Tom. B. Jim. C. Tommy.
( ) 2. What time does Jim get up every day?
A.6:00. B.6:15. C.5:45.
( ) 3. Who rims faster than Jim ?
A. Billy. B. Sandy. C. Tommy.
( ) 4. Who likes singing ?
A. Su Yang. B. Su Hai. C. Helen.
( )5. Whose bag is lighter?
A. Billy's. B. Sandy's. C. Jim's.
A:What's  with you? B:I've got a 
A: Anything else? B: I've got a   
A:________ your mouth and say“Ah”. B:Ah…
A: You've got a  . Take some medicine and  a  rest. B: OK. Thank you,
1.有相同的爱好    2.do well in   
3.和……交谈    4.go for a walk.      
5.得了重感冒     6.That's true.   
7.在周末      8.do more exercise     
9.玩得很高兴      10.well done       
1. What are the  (孩子们)doing?
2. David likes    (收集邮票)。
3. Can Wang Bing jump  (一样远)his classmates?
4. You'll get   (更强壮) and you'11 do   (更好)in PE.
5. Shall we  (开始)our  (课)now?
6. Tom is  (缺席)because he  (生病)today.
7. Please speak   (大声地). I can't  (听见)you.
1. He's not as   (strong)as the other children.
2. Look! They're   (have)a chat.
3. Jim can play the music  (beautiful).
4. Which is   (heavy), the bear or the elephant?
5. Have a good rest. You'11 get  (good)soon.
6. A: What  (do)Yang Ling often do after school?
B: He   (go) home and   (draw) some pictures.
7. A: What  (do) Su Hai do last Sunday morning?
B: He  (go)for a walk in the park.
(  ) 1. Do you have any problems    A. I get up at six thirty.
    with your homework?
(  ) 2. What time do you get up ? B. I'm sorry. The traffic was heavy.
(  ) 3. How about going out for a C. I'm good at Chinese.
    walk around the lake ?
(  ) 4. Can you jump higher than Ben? D. Yes, there are.
(  ) 5. What' s the matter?   E. Yes, she is.
(  ) 6. Is your mother good at F That's a good idea.
driving a ear ?
(  ) 7. Are there any butterflies ? G. I have some problems with English.
(  ) 8. You' re late. H. Liu Tao's.
( ) 9. What are you good at? I. Yes, I can.
( ) 10. Whose school bag is heavier? J. No, I don't.
1. A: __________are you going?
B: I'm going to the shopping centre.
A: _________do you want to do?
B: _________like to_________ a hat_________ my daughter.
A: Shall we go there_________taxi?
B: All right.

2. A:_________you get up as_________ as your brother ?
B: No. I get up at 6: 30, but he_________ up at 6:15.
A: So you get up_________than him.
B: Yes.

( ) 1. _________ come to Yang Ling's birthday party ?
A. Would like to B. Would you like to
C. Would you like D. Would you to
( ) 2. Where_________you just now? I_________in the playground.
A. was were B. was was
C. were was D. were were
( ) 3. Ben and I_________ some flowers last week.
A. plant B. planted
C. planting D. plants
( ) 4. What_________ he do? He_________ pears on the farm.
A. does pick B. did picks
C. does picked D. did picked
( ) 5. This knife is yours, Ann._____, please.
A. Put on it B. Put it on
C. Put it away D. Put away it
( ) 6. I want to_____. It is fun!
A. go camping B. going camping
C. go to camping D. going to camping
( ) 7. Can you say the names_____the things?
A. for B. to
C. with D. of
( ) 8. All my _____ to my birthday party last night.
A. friends came B. friend came
C. friends come D. friend come
( ) 9. _____your new sweater_____ me, please.
A. Show to B. Give for
C. Have for D. Shows to
( ) 10. The Walkman is in_____ Su Hai's pocket.
A. the B. /
C. a D. that
( ) 11. Here' s a card for you. Happy birthday !
A. Thanks B. No, thank you
C. Yes, please D. OK
( ) 12. It's very hot. Jim is _____ his coat.
A. putting on B. taking off
C. taking down D. take off
( ) 13. _____ make noise, they' re music
A. Don't listening B. Not listening to
C. Don't listening to D. Not listening
( ) 14. What day is it today?_____
A. It's February 10. B. It's a Wednesday
C. It's free. D. Friday.
( ) 15. “Keep off the grass” means_____
A. we shouldn't make any noise on the grass
B. we shouldn't walk on the grass
C. we shouldn't eat or drink on the grass
D. we shouldn't smoke on the grass
Jim isn't happy. For(因为)he can't do w_____in PE. Ben is his classmate. He's strong and he r_____ f_____ than Jim. Mike is his another classmate, he can run as fast as Ben. But Jim is good at English and Maths and he can jump h_____than some of the boys in the class. He can swim as fast as his classmates.
So he will do more exercise and get s_____. He will do b_____in PE.

Last week, the animals had a sports meeting. Elephant Beibei and Ant Lele had the Weight lift.Although Lele is smaller and thinner, he lifted much heavier things than his body,so he won(获胜).Next, Rabbit Benben and Tortoise(乌龟)Xiaobai had a race.Benben thought(想),he would be the winner(获胜者).He laughed at Xiaobai, “Follow me, slower guy?”He ran as fast as he could until (直到)he couldn't see Xiaobai.“Let me have a rest,”he said to himself and slept under a big tree…
Suddenly he heard the cheers (欢呼声).Xiaobai won the first prize (第一名).Benben couldn't laugh again.
1. When did the animals have a sports meeting?
2. Why could the ant win?
3. Did the rabbit win?
4. Why couldn't Benben win the first prize?


一、1. The girl is not so tall as the boy.
2. My school is near the park.
3. Mary wears a pair of trousers today.
4. It's Spring Festival.
5. A: What time do you usually go the school, Wang Ling?
B. At about 7:30. What about you?
A: I usually go to School at about 7: 40.
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B
二、1. Jim doesn't run so fast as Ben.
2. He is taking a walk with his father.
3. I swim faster than my friends.
4. I got up early and did morning exercises at six this morning.
5. I doesn't do well in PE.
1.√ 2. × 3. × 4. × 5.√
三、 Tom and Jim are classmates. Tom likes maths and does well in it. But Jim is good at English. Every morning he gets up at 6..00 and reads English. Tom can run fast. He runs faster than Tom But he doesn't run as fast as his friend, Billy. Jim doesn't like music. Because he can't sing beautifully. But Su Hai can. Who is Su Hai? He is Jim's classmate. Jim can do things quickly. He often finish his homework at school. So he often brings a few books home.
1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C
四、A: What's wrong with you? B: I've got a fever.
A: Anything else? B: I've got a bad cough.
A: Open your mouth and say "Ah". B: Ah.
A: You've go t cold. Take some medicine and have a lot of rest.
B: OK, Thank you, very much.
wrong, fever, bad cough, Open, cold, have, good, very much.
五、1. have the same hobby
2. 擅长于
3. talk with
5.have a bad cold
7.at weekends
9.have a good time
六、1. children 2. collecting stamps 3. as far as 4. stronger, better 5. start, lessons 6. absent, is ill 7. loudly, hear
七、1. strong 2. having 3. beautifully 4. heavier 5. better 6. does, goes, draws 7. did, went
八、1. J 2. A 3. F 4. I 5. G 6. E 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. H
九、1. Where, What, I'd, buy, for, by 2. Do, early, gets, later
十、1.B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B ll.A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. B
十一、1. well, runs, faster, higher, stronger, better
2. (1) Mr.Wang isn't young.
(2) Ben runs faster than Jim.
(3) Jim runs slower than Mike.
(4) Mike jumps higher than Ben but doesn't jump as high as Jim.
(5) Jim swims faster than his friends.
(6) He is worrying about his child.
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T
十二、1. Last week.
2. Because he could lift much heavier things than his body.
3. No,he didn't.
4. Because he slept under a big tree till the race was over.
第2个回答  2012-05-05
(1)有一个小数,整数部分的万位上是1,千位上的数是最小的奇数,百位上是最小的质数,小数部分的百分位上是最小的合数,其余各位都是0,这个数是( )。
(2)3. 是( )小数,它的循环节是( ),把它展开写是( )。
(3)一个三位数是3和5的倍数,并且百位上的数字是最小的质数,十位上的数字是最小的合数。这个三位数是( )。
(4)能同时被2、3、5整除的最小三位数是( ),最大三位数是( )。
(5)3.56、3.5 、3. 、3.65这四个数中,最大的数是( ),最小的数是( )。
(6)三个连续偶数的和是66,其中最小的偶数是( ),最大的偶数是( )。
(7)一个三位数,既能被2整除又能被3整除,而且个位、十位数字相同,这个三位数最大是( )。
① 两个数都是质数,( )和( )
② 两个数都是合数,( )和( )
③ 一个是质数,一个是合数,( )和( )
(9)一个三位数加上4就能被5整除,这个三位数最大是( )
(10)如果A=2×2×3×5,B=2×3×3×5,那么A和B的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。
(12)一个三位小数四舍五入的近似值是0.6,这个三位小数最大是( ),最小是 ( )。
(13)把1260分解质因数是1260=( )
(14)两个连续自然数的何去乘它们的差,积等于51,这两个数分别是( )和( )。
是 8 ,最小是 8

(16)在20以内的自然数中,三个数都是合数的连续自然数有两组,一组是( ),另一组是( )。
(17)在+10,-6,+2,0,-40.5,+6中,正数有( )个,负数有( )个,( )既不是正数也不是负数。
(18)甲、乙两个数的和是171.6,乙数的小数点移动一位就和甲数相等,乙数是( ),甲数是( )。
(19)在数轴上,原点左边的数都是( )数,原点右边的数都是( )数。
(20)正数都( )0,负数都( )0,正数( )负数。
(21)a、b两数是互质数,那么a和b的最大公约数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。
(22)用最小的三位数与最大的两位数之差去乘最大的三位数与最小的四位数之和,积是( )。
(23)已知甲数是24,它和乙数的最小公倍数是168,最大公因数是12,乙数是( )。
(24)一个数被3除余2,被7除也余2,这个数最小是( )。
(25)有一张长方形长72厘米,宽48厘米,现在需要剪成几个面积最大且相等的正方形, 并不许剩下纸片,所剪得正方形的边长是( )厘米,可以剪( )个这样的正方形。
(26)停车场有一、二、三路公共汽车,一路车每隔5分钟开出一辆,二路车每隔6分钟开出一辆,三路车每隔8分钟开出一辆。早上6点正,三路车同时开出一辆公共汽车,最早在( )点,这三路车又同时开出一辆公共汽车。
(27)胜利小学组织夏令营活动,三年级有36人,四年级有48人,五年级有60人。为了开展活动,要把各年级分成人数相等的小组。每小组的人数最多是( )人,共可分为( )组。
(28)一个分数的分数是8和9的最小公倍数,分子是25和30的最大公因数,这个分数是( )。
(1)1、3、5这些都是奇数,也是质数,2、4、6这些都是偶数,也是合数。( )
(2)5.3333是循环小数,所以5.3333=5. 。( )
(3)4.5,4.50,4.500这三个数的大小相等,但是精确度不同。( )
⑷ 能同时被3和5整除的数的个位一定是5.( )
⑸ 16和15的积,一定能被2、5、3同时整除。( )
⑹ 最大的四位数加上最小的三位数,和是10099.( )
⑺ 表示十分之七的数,可以写成0.7,也可以写成 。( )
⑻ 把64分解质因数是:64=2×2×2×2×2×2。( )
⑼ 因为7和9是互质数,所以7和9没有公约数。( )
⑽ 明明所在班级的学生平均体重为41千克,乐乐所在班级的学生平均体重为41.2千克,乐乐一定比明明重。( )
⑾ 大于2的任何数加上1一定是合数。( )
⑿ 任何数除以3,商都是无限小数。( )
⒀ 4.0850去掉小数点后的零,它的大小不变。( )
⒁ 能同时被2、3整除的数一定能被6整除。( )
⒂ 两个非0自然数的乘积等于它们最大公因数和最小公倍数的乘积。( )
(1)973508004用“亿”作单位再保留两位小数是( )。
A、9.74亿 B、10.00亿 C、10.73 亿
(2)任何大于1的自然数的倒数都是( )。
A、大于 B、小于 C、等于
(3)对于-6.5,下列说法不正确的是( )。
A、是负整不是正数 B、是负数不是整数
C、是负数并且是分数 D、是小数不是负数
(4)11.11读作。( )
A、十一点十一 B、一一点一一 C、十一点一一
(5)将20拆成两个质数的和是( )
A、13+7 B、11+9 C、15+5 D、1+19
(6)妈妈今年a岁,甜甜今年(a-26)岁,在过10年,她们相差( )岁。
A、26 B、10 C、a D、(a-26)+10
(7)若a表示奇数,b表示偶数,下列( )表示奇数。
A、a×a B、a+a C、a+b D、b×b
(8)如果a÷b=13•••••••9,那么当b取最小的整数时,a=( )
A、139 B、130 C、191 D、193
(9)两个质数的积( )
A、质数 B、合数 C、奇数 D、偶数
(10)N、M都是自然数,N÷M=6,那么N、M的最大公因数是( )。
A、N B、M C、6 D、N×M
(11)58.95精确到十分位是( )
A、59 B、59.0 C、58.0
(12)31÷7=4•••••••3,如果被除数、除数都扩大10倍,那么它的结果是( )
A、商4余3 B、商40余3 C、商40余30 D、商4余30
(13)在数轴上,-7在-5的( )
A、右边 B、左边 C、同一点上
(14)下列关系成立的是( )
A、奇数+奇数=奇数 B、质数+质数=质数
C、偶数×偶数=合数 D、合数+质数=偶数
(15)早100(包括100)以内的非0自然数中,有25个质数,那么合数的个数是( )
A、75 B、76 C、74 D、73
(16)1是所有自然数的( )
A、公约数 B、公倍数 C、倍数 D、质因数
(17)13加上( )后就成为一个能同时被2、3、5整除的最小的自然数。
A、5 B、2 C、17 D、7
(18)下列说法正确的是( )
A、与0.4相邻的两个小数是0.3和0.5 B、与0.4相邻的两个小数是0.39和0.51
C、与0.4相邻的两个小数是0.39和0.41 D、与0.4相邻的两个小数是0.38和0.52
第3个回答  2012-05-05
第4个回答  2012-05-05