求电影crocodile dundee(鳄鱼先生)的 英文影评

Movie Title:__________________________________________

This movie tells us a story about …

The movie reflects the cultural values of …

Compared with Chinese culture, …

第1个回答  2012-05-03
While decidedly languid and a tad too short, this is the first and best of the tales about the Australian living legend. The scenery and cinematography are very nice, and there are entertaining and somewhat informative parts in the script. The story is engaging too, and has both funny and quite tense bits. The direction is fine, and the acting is good enough. Paul Hogan is a very likable, charismatic and funny hero, and Linda Kozslowski is decent support. As for the sequels, the second was inferior but passable but the third isn't really worth bothering with. This though, while not perfect is the real deal and works as solid entertainment.


第2个回答  2012-05-17
你是黑大的吧, 告诉你我是你的老师,看到有帮你写的,直接零蛋