
约翰只要整天坐在电视机前就心满意足了(content to)
他不满足于现状,决心离开自己的家乡去大城市寻找发迹的机会(seek one‘s with)
地铁建成后,从我家到我侄女家只需十分钟(little more than )
在百度翻译里翻得不要哦!注意:是seek ones fortune

第1个回答  2012-09-03
1. I'm thrilled by the upcoming of the movie which is adapted from my favorate novel.
2.John is content to sit in front of TV set everyday.
3.He said he will make his children with some special skills, for example drawing,singing, and dancing.
4.He is not content with the current situation, and decides to go to big city to seek his fortune.
5.After the subway finished,it will just take little more than 10minutes from my home to my cusion's.
6.Kate is very very modest,she always owes her success to the team.
7.He cannot associate the modern city with the small village.
8.She ranks first in the world women's tennis.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-09-03
1,i am thrilled with the fact that the film adapted from my novel will be shown!
2,john content to sit before the TV all day!
3.he had said to equip his children with specil skills,such as painting ,singing and dancing1
4,he is not conent with himself,he decided to seek his fortune in a bigger city!
5,after the subway being set up,it takes little more than 10minutes from my home to my cusion's
6,kate is very modest,healways owe his success to the team work!
7,it is hard for her to associste this moden city with the small village ten years ago!
8.she ranks the first in women's tennes
第3个回答  2013-07-16
Film by one of my favorite novel of the upcoming movie, it makes me excited (thrill)
John has just content to sit in front of the television all day (the content to)
He said he would let his children have some special talent, such as drawing, singing and dancing (with) equip...
He is not content with the status quo, determined to leave home to big cities to find better opportunities (seek one 's with)
After the completion of the subway, from my house to my niece home just ten minutes (little wining)
Kate is very modest and always says he's success is attributed to teamwork (owe... to)
He is hard to put the modern city and small village ten years ago (associate)
She was the world number one in women's tennis (rank)