他写的十分投入,但当他写完时却发现文章根本不符合老师的要求,可天色已晚,只能这样交给老师了。 用英

他写的十分投入,但当他写完时却发现文章根本不符合老师的要求,可天色已晚,只能这样交给老师了。 用英文过去时怎么翻译?

第1个回答  2014-10-20
He is Concentrate on the writing , but when he finished, he find the article is not same as the teachers requirement ,and the day is night ,so that have no choice but can only to hand in the teacher .好了,以上就是所有的翻译了,不知你觉得可以吗?
第2个回答  2014-10-20
He wrote very involved, but when he found the article doesn't meet the teacher requirements is finished, but it was already late, so only to the teacher.
第3个回答  2014-10-20
第4个回答  2014-10-20
He devoted his energy finishing the article.However,he found his work didn't fit the conditions gave by the teacher at all when he finished it.But it was getting late to correct it.So he had to hand in just that.
第5个回答  2014-10-20
He wrote very committed, when he finished ,he found that the article does not accord with the requirement of the teacher, but it's getting late, so,he can only hand in to the teacher this way