
会展业是我国第三产业中公认的朝阳产业,既吸聚人气,又可带动相关产业起飞。因此,得到了政府的大力支持。随着近几年会展业的迅速发展和繁荣,也造成了会展业相关人才的巨大缺口。 人才问题,向来被认为是我国会展业的软肋。中国目前有会展从业人员100多万,但其中的大部分人员基本上是半路出家,其成长过程是典型的“师傅带徒弟”特性,专业素质参差不齐。 2010年在上海举行的世博会必然会给上海会展业的发展带来新的契机和新的压力,与此同时也必将提供更多的职位需求和就业机会。因此,我们需要大量会展专业性强的人才参与到此次盛会中去,向国内外全面展示中华文明的魅力和悠久的历史文化,同时揭示上海这座现代化国际大都市的深厚文化底蕴。

第1个回答  2012-07-15
Show industry is a widely recognized sunny industry of the third-services, which not only attracts people but also promotes the rise of related industries. Therefore, It gets strong support from the government. With the rapid development and prosperity of show industry in recent years, a huge shortfall in talents in this area has arisen. A lack of talents in this industry have long been considered a weakness. Currently, there are over 1 million show industry professionals, most of whom took up the profession half way and whose growth features " Apprenticeship", and whose professional qualities vary from person to person. The 2010 World Expo will inevitalbly bring new opportunities and pressure for the development of show industry in Shanghai, which will create greater job demands and offers in the meantime. Thus, an enormorous number of professionals are expected to participate in this big event, presenting to the outside world the charm of Chinese civilization and long history from all perspectives and revealing the deep cultural implication of the modern international metropolis of Shanghai.