Poem 和poetry的区别在哪里?


第1个回答  2016-12-17
Poem是可数名词,可以有复数形式,其后可以加-s。poetry是不可数名词,诗的集合名称,没有复数形式,其后不可加-s。a poem就是a piece poetry。
Keats' poems are not only excellent,but also perfect in form.济慈的诗不但思想内容极好,而且形式完美。
Have you read the gleanings of Yuan-ming's poems? 你看过陶渊明的诗集吗?
This is a piece of prose poetry. 这是一首散文诗。
He is fond of poetry and reads several poems every day. 他喜欢诗,每天他都要念几首
第2个回答  2013-12-19
poem,是可数名词,以首为单位。 poem=a piece of poetry.poetry,是不可数名词(=poems),表示诗这种文学体裁,例如 a book of poetry, the poetry of someone; 也可表示诗歌写作艺术.本回答被提问者采纳