

第1个回答  2022-07-11



(1)A:Good morning/afternoon/evening.


How do you do ?

Nice to meet you.


(2)A:How are you?

B:Fine, thank you. And you?

Very well,thank you.


This is Mr/Mrs/Miss…

I’d like you to meet my parents.

My name is….I’m a student.



See you later/tomorrow.

Good night.



Thank you very much. Not at all.

Thanks a lot. That’s OK.

Many thanks. That’s all right.

Thanks for helping me. You’re welcome.


(1)A:Good luck!

Best wishes to you.

Have a nice/good time/journey.


B:Thank you.

(2)A:Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

B:The same to you.

(3) A:Happy birthday to you.

B:Thank you.


A:I’m sorry.

I’m sorry to trouble you.

B:It doesn’t matter.

It’s not important.

That’s nothing.


What a pity!

I’m sorry to hear that.


A:Would you like to … ?

B:Yes, I’d love to.


A:Can I help you?=What can I do for you?

Here, take this/my bike.

Let me do it for you.

B:Thanks for your help.

Yes, please.

No, thanks.

That’s very kind of you.


(1)A:May I…? Can I/Could I…?

B:Yes/Certainly/Of course.

Yes, do please.

OK/All right.

(2)A:Do you mind if I open the window?

B: No, not at all.

Never mind.


(1): Can/could you…for me?

Will/would you please do sth.?

May I have…?

(2): Please give/pass me…

Please wait (here/a moment).

Please wait for your turn.

Please stand in line.

(3): No smoking, please.

No noise, please.


(1):You’d better…

You should…

You need to…

(2):Shall we do sth. ?

Let’s do sth. .

What/How about doing sth. ?

OK. Good idea.


(1):You mustn’t play on the road.

If you … you’ll …

(2):Take care.

Be careful.


A:Are you free this afternoon?

What/How about tomorrow morning?

Shall we meet at 4:30 at the school gate?

B:Yes, that’s all right.

Yes, I’ll be free then.

All right.See you then.


A:Hello!May I speak to Tom?

Hello!I’d like to speak to Mr.Green.

Is that Liu Ying speaking?

Can I leave a message?

I’ll call back later.

I’ll ring him/her up again.

B: Hello!This is Mary speaking.

Hello!Who is that?

Hold on the line,please.

Just a moment,please.

Hello!Who’s speaking?

Sorry.He/She isn’t here right now.

Can I take a message?

Sorry,I can’t hear you.

The line is busy.

I couldn’t get through.

Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number.


A:Would you like something to eat/drink?

What would you like(to have)?

Would you like some more fish?

Help yourself to some fish.

B:(1)Yes,I’d like a drink.

I’d like rice and chicken.

Just a little,please.

Can I have some more soup?

It’s so delicious.Thank you.

I like green tea.

(2)No,thank you.I’ve had enough.

I am full.Thank you.


A:What’s the matter?

Do you have a fever?

How long have you felt like this?

It’s nothing serious.

Take this medicine three times a day.

You’ll be all right soon.

B: I have a headache.

I feel terrible.

I don’t feel well.

It hurts here.

I can’t sleep well.


A:Can I help you?

What can I do for you?

How many/much would you like?

What color/size/kind would you like?

What about this one?

Here’s your change.

B: I want/I’d like a pair of shoes.

How much is it/are they?

May I try it on?

It’s too big/small.

Sorry,it’s too expensive.

Do you have any other colors/sizes/kinds?

Two and a half kilos/pounds,please.

That’s fine.I’ll take it.

Just have a look.

Well, I’ll think about it.


A:Excuse me,where’s the washroom?

Can you tell me how to get to the post office?

Excuse me,which bus goes to the World Park?

Excuse me,which is the way to the Bank of China?

Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the station,please?

How can I get to NO.4 Middle School?

B:(1)It’s over there.

It’s about 400 meters from here.

Go down this street until you see the tall red building.

Turn right/left at the first/second crossing/corner.

You can’t miss it.

You can take bus NO.4.

You’d better take a taxi.

(2)Sorry.I don’t know.I’m a stranger here.


A:What’s the weather like today?

How is the weather in Beijing?

What a cold/hot day today!

It’s a fine/nice day today.

B:It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.

It’s getting cool/cold/warm/hot.