哪位英语高手专家帮我翻译下面这段话 谢谢.

你好 我来自中国 hiv病毒检测的问题. 我曾在网上看到曹韵贞教授的一段话 她说现在世界上发现7位艾滋病人在血中检测不到抗体 但在尿中有抗体.这是真的吗 我想知道原因 谢谢

Hello! I'm in China. About H.I.V inspecting. I found it online that Professor CaoYunzhen said, H.I.V. antibodys cannot be inspected in 7 AIDS patients in their blood, whereas the relevant antibodys can be inspected in their urine. Is that ture? I am wondering why. Thank you.