

第1个回答  2024-02-08
1. In various forms and countless times, it seems I have loved you.
2. Through lifetimes and ages, my heart has been captivated by this love.
3. My enchanted heart has crafted and recrafted a necklace of songs.
4. These songs are offered as a gift, worn by you in various guises.
5. In every life, in every age, this love endures.
6. When tales of love's timeless pain and ancient stories of separation or unity are told,
7. I gaze into the past and find you emerge.
8. You are clad in the radiance of a pole-star, piercing through the darkness of time.
9. You become an embodiment of what is forever remembered.
10. You and I have drifted together on the stream that flows from the source
11. At the heart of time, where one love for another flourishes.
12. We have floated alongside countless lovers, shared in the same timid sweetness of encounter,
13. The same sorrowful tears of parting -
14. Love, old and ever-renewing in its forms.
15. Now, it is gathered at your feet, finding its conclusion in you.
16. This is the love of all the days of man, both past and eternal.
17. Joy, sorrow, life - universal,
18. The memories of all loves merging with this love of ours -
19. And the songs of every poet, past and eternal.
20. Rabindranath Tagore