

楼上啊,though but不能同用的!though tired,we all had a good time时态可以用完成时,though tired,we all have had a good time不过情景的话是在现在阐述过去的事情,最好还有个时间的对比;词语用法 1enjoy的基本意思是在感情和理智两方面对占有,或使用某事物感到有乐趣和满足,即“以为享乐”这事物可以作用于感官某人享眼福,也可作用于心灵玩得愉快2enjoy只用作及物动词,可接名词代词。
1have a good time had a good time是短语,玩得开心得意思2Angel,I am going to the partyAngel,我要去参加聚会了3Well,have a good time玩得愉快4Hey,I am back我回来了5Did you;我祝你玩得开心I wish you have a wonderful time一定的无论如何,祝你过得愉快,等你回来后再见I betAnyway,enjoy yourself and I#39ll see you when you get back祝你玩的愉快祝你假期愉快Have a。

玩得开心是Have fun! Enjoy yourself!聊得愉快是 Nice chat with you顺便纠正一下,英文里面不能在一句话里放两个并列的句子,要非得用一句话就得加and,譬如Have fun, and nice chat with you 不过我个人觉得;玩得很开心的英文have a nice time have a lot of funHave a good timefun近义词happy用法如下1表示高兴的原因,其后可接不定式that从句介词at,about等He was happy to be coming home就要回家。
括号里可以填类似good,great,wonderful,happy等单词,都表示玩的开心愉快的意思;“玩得高兴”英文写法have fun have a goodgreatwonderful timeenjoy oneselfhave a blast等 1have fun They have fun fishing together on weekends周末,他们在一起钓鱼,很开心2have a good。
玩得开心Have a good time过得愉快Enjoy your time两个英文词语意思基本相同,结合语境可以互换使用;祝你玩得愉快的英文have a great time 例You can have a great time if you go out with the one you love如果你和你爱的人约会,你会很快乐重点词汇解析 词汇解析 1great 英gre#618t美ɡret。
have a good time have fun enjoy oneself 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼请记得采纳,谢谢*^__^*;fun 读法 英 f#652n 美 f#652n1n 乐趣玩笑有趣的人或事 2adj 供娱乐用的 3vi 开玩笑 短语1make fun of 取笑 2have fun with 玩得高兴,玩得开心 3fun and games。
Finally,may you have a good time。
英语是Have a good time解释have a good time 英h#230v #601 ɡud taim 美h#230v e ɡ#650d ta#618m词典 玩得愉快, 玩得痛快例句We can just hang out and have a;楼上啊,though but不能同用的though tired, we all had a good time时态可以用完成时,though tired, we all have had a good time 不过情景的话是在现在阐述过去的事情,最好还有个时间的对比。
Yesterday,Jenny and Danny had a good time in Beijing。